15 Classical Pieces That Are Just As Engaging As Pop
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15 Classical Pieces That'll Put You In Your Feels As Fast As Pop Songs

Everyone needs a little classical enrichment in their lives.


I've gone off the deep end in terms of immersing myself in classical music. I just want a break from all of the auto-tuned, pitchy pop songs that I hear seemingly nonstop. Does this make me sound pretentious? Maybe, but I still urge you to try out some classical tunes, if not in your free time, then at least during

1. In the Hall of the Mountain King

A classic for YouTube compilation videos, this song will put you in a sneaky mood. Yes, I said that.

2. Morning Mood

Another movement from the Peer Gynt suite, this is by far my favorite. It transports you to a quiet cottage in a field of daisies, and who doesn't want that?

3. Rondo from The Firebird

A piece that may be a little more obscure, but no less important.

4. The Queen of the Night Aria from The Magic Flute

Normally I can't stand opera, but this piece just feels so dynamic and engaging that I can't help but love it.

5. The Ride of The Valkyries

Any fan of action or dramatic movies will surely recognize this tune!

6. Night on Bald Mountain

When I first saw Fantasia, the scene with this piece in it was terrifying to me, but I grew to love it and this song.

7. The Pastoral Symphony

Another Fantasia staple, the Pastoral Symphony scene was by far the most idyllic and engaging.

8. Danse Macabre

Perfect for writing horrifying stories of the undead...I'm looking at you, Poe!

9. Spring from The Four Seasons

This piece is undoubtedly what most people think of when they imagine classical music, and for good reason!

10. Jupiter from The Planets

Holst's "Jupiter" is no stranger to grand, ostentatious, operatic instrumentals. A treat for the ears.

11. Saturn from The Planets

I'll have to admit: I'm biased. Saturn is my favorite planet, but this is still a great song!

12. The Blue Danube Waltz

An unforgettable piece from an unforgettable movie. 2001 will always be one of my favorite movies of all time.

13. Speaking Unto Nations

This piece will forever be linked with authority and power.

14. Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto In E Minor, Op. 64

Intense and passionate piece for one minute, soft and melodious the next, this piece will certainly keep you on your toes!

15. The Dance of the Knights from Romeo and Juliet

And finally, the suite to end all suites, "Dance of the Knights" has it all: intense, roaring percussion, quiet, introspective woodwinds and gorgeous strings.

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