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13 Reasons Why Planning A Wedding Can Be Stressful

Don't lie to yourself. You know just as well as I do that planning a wedding can be really tough.

13 Reasons Why Planning A Wedding Can Be Stressful

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With all the stereotypes of weddings out there, it's really difficult planning the perfect day. I mean, I've watched "Four Weddings" hundreds of times. I get how it works. If the food isn't terrible, then it's the ceremony taking too long. If it's not that, then it's the never-ending rain that day. Something always goes wrong. But I'm such a planner, that I do everything I can to avoid those things! I want to have an amazing wedding that showcases God, my future husband, and me.

If you're like me, wedding planning seems daunting. And let me tell you, it really is. Here are 13 reasons why planning my wedding has been stressing me out!

1. Making the guest list

This is so tough because naturally, I want to invite every single person I've ever met, but I know that I can't! I have a very limited number of people I can invite because of the reception venue. I mean, unless everybody wants to buy their own meal...

2. Choosing and asking the bridesmaids

This is pretty similar to the thing about wanting to invite everybody. I want everybody to be in my wedding party, but that's just not feasible. It's so difficult deciding who to ask. And then, because I love going above-and-beyond, it's hard finding cute ways to ask!

3. Finding a photographer, DJ, officiant, caterer, and various other tasks

This is also frustrating because I know so many wonderful photographers! It's rough trying to choose just one.

4. Picking the songs for the ceremony

Because I'm having a traditional Christian ceremony at my church, I have to choose some songs that I want to be played at different times. If I could, I'd have about 20 songs, but sadly, I have to narrow it down a TON.

5. Picking decorations

Okay, okay, I'll admit this is as fun as it is stressful. But still! I don't want to have too bland of a wedding, so I'm searching hard to find all the perfect little touches.

6. Helping the bridesmaids find their dresses, shoes, and accessories

This has probably been stressing me out more than anything. How am I supposed to find bridesmaid dresses when I'm going to be in Florida for the next 5 months, and all of my bridesmaids are from all over the midwest?!

7. Finding time for the Biblical marriage counseling

My church requires everyone using one of the pastors on staff for a wedding to attend marriage counseling classes. Once again, LIVING IN FLORIDA FOR FIVE MONTHS. I know I'll find the time, but my days are numbered. And it's not something I'd be willing to give up on.

8. Designing the cake

I don't even know who I'm having to make the cake. I don't know what flavor. I don't know what size. I don't even know what I want on the cake. It's fine. No big deal.

9. Having a fiancé who doesn't live where I live

This is super tough because he hasn't even seen our reception venue yet!!! He's only been able to see photos.

10. Making sure everyone feels included

It's hard combining two very different families. And ensuring everybody feels included is part of that. This is hard for me because I've been planning my wedding since I was young (and of course I have my Pinterest dream wedding board), and I already know the overall idea of what I want. It's tough handing over the reins when I want to do things with the help of my family.

11. Deciding on foods

This is also a big deal for me because I love food almost as much as I love the man I'm marrying. Food is a big deal to me, and I want everything to be perfect. I've been to weddings with cold or bland food. I want to give everybody lots of options to choose from.

12. Remembering that it's a marriage, not a wedding

Let's be real now. This isn't a one-day thing. This is a lifetime commitment. Even if everything on that day fails, my marriage won't. This is a marathon, not a sprint. We're not just planning for one day. We're planning for our lives.

13. Making sure it's a God-centered wedding, not a me-centered wedding

In the end, it's not about me. It's about two imperfect people trying to be together and needing somebody bigger than themselves to make it work. I believe that only God can keep a marriage intact, and if my wedding isn't built on him, my marriage won't be either.

Wedding planning takes so much time and effort, which is why I'm thankful that I've had so much time to analyze everything at least 400 times over the last year and a half. But when I really think about it, I can't wait for that day to come!

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