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12 Reasons Falling In Love With A Hufflepuff Is Nothing But Magical

As a Hufflepuff who is marrying a Slytherin, I can 100% confirm.

12 Reasons Falling In Love With A Hufflepuff Is Nothing But Magical
Warner Bros

In This Article:

Hufflepuff is the least appreciated house out of all the houses. They are treated more poorly than any of the other houses. So I'm here to defend my fellow Hufflepuffs and show you why Hufflepuff produces the best marriage material.

1. They are diligent

They will work on their relationship until they're happy with it. They follow through with what they say they'll do.

2. They are kind but not weak

And kindness is one of the greatest qualities you could ever possess.

3. They really are courageous

They're not like Slytherins, who show their confidence. They are the quiet, confident witches and wizards in the background. They prefer not to draw attention to their courage.

4. They are loyal

They're always on your side! When dating a Hufflepuff, you become a team.

5. They love nature and animals

I always judge people based on how they treat their waiters and how they treat animals.

6. They put up with a lot of judgment

Hufflepuff is typically labeled as the embarrassment house, which it absolutely is not.

7. Hufflepuff has had the fewest dark wizards out of any house

That's right. You don't have to worry about dating a lunatic.

8. They LOVE food

And they'll always make sure you've eaten.

9. They'll practically defend you to the death

I already mentioned loyalty, but is it any wonder that the mascot of Hufflepuff is a badger?

10. When you're sad, expect a big hug to be waiting for you

Because Hufflepuffs love comforting their companions (but they also just love hugs).

11. They want to make you happy

Hufflepuffs tend to rub their happiness off on those around them.

12. They will love you no matter what your house is

Because Hufflepuffs can appreciate the good in everybody.

Not all Hufflepuffs are timid or awkward. They're people with genuine good in their hearts. They don't look to other houses to find their worth because they know that their worth is found in who they are, not how others perceive them.

So whether you're a Ravenclaw, a Slytherin, a Gryffindor, or a fellow Hufflepuff, you will find that a Hufflepuff makes the best significant other.

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