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12 Effective Ways To Moisturize Your Skin Naturally

To maintain a beautiful, youthful skin you do not need expensive beauty products.

12 Effective Ways To Moisturize Your Skin Naturally

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To maintain a beautiful, youthful skin you do not need expensive beauty products. But what you eat and how you treat yourself can easily avert or even reverse aging. Our body needs the right nutrients to fight off damage, as the glow of your skin comes from within.

Nutrients help produce cells, which then produce more energy. Stress, processed foods, and low-nutrient diets are the first enemies to your glowing skin. Preventing yourself from harmful chemicals while getting enough sleep, regular exercise, and relaxation will also help you to maintain healthy glowing skin.

Below are some beneficial ways you can apply in your daily lives to get a healthy and youthful skin.

1. Drink plenty of water

This is the ultimate formula for the glowing skin. Drink a number of glasses of water in a day, because with a small amount of dehydration your body works in a less optimal way. The more abruptly you're dehydrated the more your skin would look dull, flaky and saggy.

2. Eat foods with antioxidants

Eating foods with antioxidants is the best way to help your body fight disease and aging by reducing damage and inflammation. Inflammation is the main cause of wrinkle formation. Some of the best antioxidant sources are:

  • Pomegranates
  • Goji Berries
  • Acai Berries
  • Blueberries
  • Spinach
  • Nuts
  • Raspberries
  • Purple Grapes
  • Seeds
  • Organic Green Tea
  • Dark Chocolate (with 70% or more cocoa content)

3. Have a rainbow-colored plate of food

Free radicals formed in our bodies can cause major damage to our cell structures and the different nutrient-rich foods that we eat neutralize them. To fight off the different kinds of free radicals, you must have the widest variety of antioxidants.

4. Eat organic food

Eating organic food reduces consumption of aging toxins.

5. Limit your sun exposure

A small amount of daily sunlight is beneficial for the body and produces Vitamin D, but too much sun can harm your skin. Always wear your sunglasses and use zinc and titanium dioxide sunscreen.

6. Opt for natural skin products

There are several skin care products that come with harsh chemicals. Before buying any moisturizer or makeup, make sure you do some research. Check that the ingredients present in them are the safest.

7. Use non-toxic cleaning products

It is all-important to limit exposure to harmful chemicals, since the skin absorbs them.

8. Own a plant

The pollution levels of your indoor area can be even higher than the outdoor area. Owning a plant in your home or by your desk at work can act as an air filter.

9. Get enough Vitamin C

A Vitamin C rich diet can lead to fewer wrinkles or you can use some Vitamin C serums. It has been found that the skin exposed to Vitamin C for a long period of time can generate up to eight times more collagen.

10. Eat healthy foods

Add foods like avocados, olive oil, nuts, and fish and flax seeds to your diet. It is important because fatty acids are mandatory for your skin to look youthful.

11. Cleanse your body

Air, water, and food can build up toxins in the body and can cause damage to the body (and aging, as well). One of the most recommended ways to detox the body is drinking juice that focuses on energy production and eliminating toxins. You can also have a glass of water with squeezed lemon in the morning to cleanse the body.

12. Sleep

Your skin revitalizes and repairs itself mostly when you are sleeping. Make sure that you not only complete your eight hours of sleep, but it is high-quality sleep.

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