11 Things That Are More Dangerous Than Trans People Using Their Preferred Bathroom
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11 Things That Are More Dangerous Than Trans People Using Their Preferred Bathroom

Spoiler alert: trans people are not a threat.

11 Things That Are More Dangerous Than Trans People Using Their Preferred Bathroom

Spoiler alert: People who identify as transgender are not dangerous. At all. The typical argument that "men will say that they are transgender and dress up as women and spy on our daughters in the restroom" is a false narrative that literally never happens. I can guarantee that trans people are just trying to do their business and get on with their life. In fact, some trans people stay away from public restrooms at all costs to avoid discrimination- they will even avoid eating or drinking that day to stay away from using the bathroom.

Here are 11 things that are more life-threatening than trans people using their preferred bathrooms.

1. The germs found in public restrooms.

I remember in my Microbiology class at high school, we had to do an experiment involving the microbes found around the school. We swabbed toilet seats, bathroom stalls, and the floor, and then allowed them to grow on petri dishes for several weeks. The results were disgusting and shocking. We found traces of streptococcus, staphylococcus, and E. coli, among other strains of harmful bacteria. This just goes to show that the bacteria and diseases found in public restrooms are more threatening than transgender people. If you don't believe me, then here is an article proving that public restrooms are germ infested.

2. "Potential grizzlies" threatening public schools.

"I will refer back to Sen. Enzi and the school he is talking about in Wapiti Wyoming. I think probably there, I would imagine there is probably a gun in a school to protect from potential grizzlies," - Betsy DeVos

3. The turtle flu.

Yes, a made-up disease from the show Parks and Rec is more life threatening than trans people.

4. Anti-Vaxxers.

Anti-vaxxers who believe that vaccines MAY cause autism (which has been proven false by many studies) are more threatening to your children. Once the herd immunity of a group is compromised, those who may not be able to get vaccines due to an allergy or other health problems will get diseases that have been eradicated, such as measles.

5. Donald J. Trump.

Donald Trump is a fucking psychopath, with absolutely no regard for the middle class or minority groups. He is way more threatening to your well-being as an American citizen than a trans person will EVER be.

6. Driving a car.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 2/3 of motorists will be involved in an accident at some point in their life. You are more likely to get in a car accident than see a trans person misusing a public bathroom.

7. Actual sex offenders.

Sex offenders are found everywhere, whether it is in your own neighborhood or in the community, and you know what they are most known for? Not following the law. Perverts are going to go into public bathrooms regardless of a bathroom law or not. They are not going to 'dress up as trans people' to assault people, they're just going to assault them because they are sex offenders. Your argument is moot.

8. Going to the zoo.

You saw what happened with Harambe. Enough said.

9. Alcohol.

Alcohol can be addictive, cause major health problems, cause birth defects in children, and put people at risk for injury- such as drowning or falling off buildings.

10. Climate Change.

"Climate change is one of the greatest health threats facing humanity in the 21st century. As worldwide patterns of temperature, precipitation and weather events change, the delicate balance of climate and life is disrupted, with serious impacts on food and agriculture, water sources, and health." -Physician's for Social Responsibility Website

11. Guns.

There have been 215 school shootings in America since 2013... tell me again why you are concerned about trans kids using their preferred bathroom at school? Clearly there is a bigger issue at hand.

Humor aside, trans people are not the threat here. Clearly, there are so many bigger problems in the world than whether or not we should let certain people pee and poop in public bathrooms. Stop using the argument that trans women are actually men dressing up as women, and are coming into the bathroom to assault your daughters. You are a fool if you believe that trans people are going into bathrooms with any other intention than using the toilet.

If you are reading this and identify as trans, I just want you to know that I am here for you. I will stand with you no matter what, whether it's in the bathroom or outside of it. I will always be fighting alongside you for equality and justice. You are not alone.

The Trevor Project: 866-488-7386
Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255

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