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10 Things You Will Need To Learn How To Do Before You Can Successfully Live On Your Own

Living on your own can be hard especially because you don't have your parents there to help you.

Cassidy Garren
Cassidy Garren

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These are 10 things that either I didn't know how to do before living on my own, or that I have seen my friends struggle with.

1. Learn how to cook at least one good meal

Dinner party

Living on your own, you will need to learn how to cook some foods so that you don't starve. Also, you should be able to cook at least one good meal that you can enjoy with friends.

2. Laundry!


Everyone above the age of eighteen should know how to do laundry, but even then I have witnessed many people who do not know how. Also separating laundry is important even though you may think it is not!

3. How to efficiently grocery shop

dog shopping

Grocery shopping is not a very hard skill, but there is a way to do it efficiently, make a list of things you actually need before going, and don't just buy random stuff you won't end up using.

4. Learn how to properly write a check

write a check

Before I moved into my first apartment I had no idea how to write a check, but it is an important task. Most bills will not accept cash, so writing checks will be necessary.

5. Learn how to budget and manage money


Budgeting and managing money are very important skills in becoming an adult. If you spend everything you have at the beginning of the month, then you will end up starving at the end of the month.

6. How to take care of yourself if you get sick


Before college, I had my mom make all my doctors appointment and buy me medicine whenever I got sick. I was in for a very rude awakening the first time I got sick in college because I had no clue what I needed or who to call for an appointment. Be sure to prepare before you get sick, not when you are feeling like trash.

7. Time management


Between school, work and a social life, it can sometimes be hard to manage all three. Find a schedule that works for you and stick to it.

8. Learn how to clean an apartment, and what cleaning products you need


Learning how to clean is one of the most important things you need to know before you live alone, because you do not want to be living in filth. Also it is important to know what cleaners to use, and to know that you cannot mix cleaners.

9. How to deal with conflicts between roommates


Roommates fight, it is known that living with someone can be hard, but with that being said you should be able to handle conflict in a mature and adult manor.

10. Know when you need to ask for help


Even after you get the hang of everything there will still be things that come up, and don't be afraid to call your parents for help. I mean you did in the end live with them for eighteen years and they will probably know the answer to most of your questions.

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