Things Women Experience Different Than Men
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Things Women Experience Different Than Men

'Cause if I was a man
Then I'd be the man

Things Women Experience Different Than Men

Women have been fighting for their place in the world ever since time began, even Eve had a bad reputation in the Bible. It's shown in movies and shows across media platforms and we're lucky to have come as far as we have but we still have so much further to go. Unfortunately, women still experience so much in life different than a man does.

The Workplace

Women still get treated less in the workplace than a man. The wage gap still exists! Women still make 94 cents to every dollar a man makes. While yes that is only a 6 cents difference, that starts to add up and become a significant amount of money women are losing out on.

Women also are taken less serious in the workplace. Everyone has heard about the man and woman that switched emails for a week and under the woman's email, the man didn't get his usual numbers for the week and saw a decline while the woman saw an increase. This experiment shows how a simple feminine name in an email can make you be taken less seriously. This often leads to women not being as promoted as much as men.


The whole aspect of dating has been, the man pays for everything, but that's changing slowly. It's more common for both partners to share who pays for what. Women still have a hard time though in the dating world. If a man dates a lot of people, they're just testing the waters and find the one for them. When women do it, we're sluts and are seen in a negative light but why does our gender differ with this? Taylor Swift is someone we see this happening to daily. She's always talked about as someone who is a serial dater but she's just a girl in her early to mid twenties dating and trying to find the love of her life. She gets talked about negatively but when Ed Sheeran is making song after song about relationships, no one bats an eye.

What We Wear Not Who We Are

This is more about people who walk the red carpet. Men are always asked about what they're doing in their career or what their next project is while women are always asked about what they wear or their nails and accessories. The line we always hear is, "who are you wearing tonight?" This and being asked about men is something the women of Hollywood are trying to fight and start making jokes about or even sarcastic comments back to the questions.

Powerful VS Being a Bitch

Men get to be as powerful or talk back as much as they want but when women do it we're automatically called a bitch. Why is it okay for a man to get praised for standing their ground and speaking their mind but women are silenced and told to stay in our lane? We deserve to stand up and speak our minds. Women are taking the word back and turning the word bitch into a powerful, positive word rather than the negative word it's typically used as.

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