"Hericane" - LANY | The Odyssey Online
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11 Perfect Songs For Any Airport Playlist

Every great adventure deserves some great background music.

11 Perfect Songs For Any Airport Playlist

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You've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the big day and it is finally here: the day when you leave for vacation. You've packed your bags, headed to the airport, went through security, and took a seat at your assigned gate waiting to board. Through all of the chaos of getting to this point did you happen to make a playlist for the flight? I mean, everybody knows the struggle of sitting next to somebody you don't know, or even worse by somebody who chomps their gum or crunches corn nuts throughout the entire flight. One way to make sure you'll make it out of the flight with some sanity is with a pair of headphones and a great playlist.

If making a playlist slipped your mind, no worries as here are 11 songs for a playlist fit for any flight in the sky.

1. "Get Somewhere" - Yam Haus

Yam Haus is a band full of super cool dudes and "Get Somewhere" is one of their many bops.

"Taking Me Back" - LANY

"Taking Me Back" by LANY will definitely have you jamming in your seat.

"Into You" - Julia Michaels

"Into You" by Julia Michaels slaps. It is such a relatable track. Don't sleep on her!

"Sweet Creature" - Harry Styles

I mean...you have to have a Harry Styles song on just about any playlist and "Sweet Creature" is a great one.

"Saturday Sun" - Vance Joy

"Saturday Sun" by Vance Joy just does something good to your mood. Trust me.

"On The Loose" - Niall Horan

"On The Loose" is a jam for any adventure.

"Sleep On The Floor" - The Lumineers

"Sleep On The Floor" by The Lumineers is truly a work of art that never gets old. The music video is incredible too.

"Heathrow" - Catfish and the Bottlemen

"Heathrow" by Catfish and the Bottlemen is elegant and so beautiful. It definitely deserves a spot on your plane playlist.

"If I Could Fly" - One Direction

"If I Could Fly" will definitely hit you in the feels, but I mean you are "flying" so it just makes sense to have the track on your playlist.

"Somebody Else" - The 1975

"Somebody Else" by The 1975 is a chill track, yet still a bop. It is definitely a great one to listen to during your flight in the sky.

"Rainbow" - Kacey Musgraves

Not only is the music video gorgeous, but "Rainbow" by Kacey Musgraves is such a powerful and meaningful song. Don't miss out on this one.

"Work Song" - Hozier

"Work Song" by Hozier will never fail to move your soul. Another great song.

"Hericane" - LANY

"Hericane" is another awesome track by LANY. Honestly, you could shuffle all of LANY's song and you would be set for your flight.

"Sunflower" - Post Malone, Swae Lee

You'll definitely be putting this one on repeat. "Sunflower" by Post Malone and Swae Lee is a total bop.

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