Kaley Makino on Odyssey Kaley Makino
Kaley Makino

Kaley Makino

Username: kaleymakino

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I am Kaley, originally from Detroit, Michigan, but taking Thoreau's advice to suck out all the marrow of life by attending UC Santa Cruz. I'm pretty goofy in my writing voice, which contrast with how serious I can be in real life. Hey, I'm still working on swallowing my chill pills, okay? Hopefully one day I'll be off in some foreign land helping to provide books to women in impoverished conditions where they may not have access to standard education, but for now I'm a broke World lit major. I'm told it's good to have big dreams. Anyways, this playful feminists is happy as heck to be writing for you, hope you enjoy my brain children!

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