Gianina Wicaksono on OdysseyGianina Wicaksono
Gianina Wicaksono

Gianina Wicaksono

Username: gwica

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I am a current Nazarene Indonesian living in a small, hippie, and bucolic college-town (which I love), a passionate aficionado for all music genres, a lover of all food-related matters, and a passionate learner of the STEM-related subjects. I also respect the Indonesian values taught to me during my 9 years' time living in Jakarta, Indonesia. With a bountiful of diverse cultures available to enrich my individuality, I have lived colorfully - living in a lifestyle that melds Indonesian culture with the many ways of life that I have discovered throughout my life. The Odyssey platform is most definitely an appropriate platform through which I can express my colorful perspectives - bringing in both conservative and liberal points of view in my content.

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