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71 Activities To Make The Ultimate Spring Bucket List

For those spring days that you are bored.

71 Activities To Make The Ultimate Spring Bucket List

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These ideas are for everyone of all ages. Pick one or ten to do this spring!

Go for a walk

Have a picnic

Go downtown

Pick flowers

Pick berries

Plant a garden


Go to a baseball game

Clean out your closet

Go on a picnic

Shop at a farmer's market

Fly a kite

Visit the zoo

Go to a concert

Watch the sunrise

Start and complete a DIY project

Do a puzzle

Take a yoga class

Paint a flower pot

Play a sport

Play on a playground

Have a game night

Have a tea party

Play hopscotch

Plan a weekend getaway

Do a random act of kindness

Go fishing

Play mini golf

Pick strawberries

Hammock outside

Visit a dog park

Learn a new skill

Start a journal

Bake cookies

Make a bird house

Play in the rain

Make homemade lemonade

Make a mud pie

Take pictures of nature

Grill with your family

Skip rocks

Eat ice cream

Visit an animal shelter

Go exploring

Go swimming

Visit the park

Go stargazing

Have a bonfire

Go camping

Build a fort

Have a garage sale

Ride a bike

Climb a tree

Take a nap outside

Go to a drive-in movie

Play tennis

Find a treehouse

Go on a hot air balloon ride

Take a day trip 

Go horseback riding

Spend time with your family

Make a fresh fruit smoothie

Run a 5K or 10K

Plan a scavenger hunt

Visit the local library

Have a family and/or friends photoshoot

Eat your lunch outside

Visit a museum

Eat watermelon

Go on a hike

Go on a road trip

Whatever you do this spring, make it one to remember.

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