17. Santa Clause is Comin' to Town- Bruce Springsteen | The Odyssey Online
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25 Timeless Christmas Classics

I will always love the nostalgic feeling of listening to Nat King Cole and Perry Como's deep voices.

25 Timeless Christmas Classics

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I'm not really into the modern versions of Christmas songs and I don't know about you, but I will always love the nostalgic feeling of listening to Nat King Cole and Perry Como's deep voices. There's just something about the Christmas music of their time that will never get old. They'll make you want to curl up in your fuzzy socks in front of the fireplace and stare at your tree and watch Christmas movies with your loved ones until Christmas is over.

1. It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year- Andy Williams


2. It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas-Perry Como, The Fontane Sisters


3. Joy to the World- Nat King Cole


4. Sleigh Ride- Andy Williams


5. Last Christmas- Wham!


6. Do They Know It's Christmas?- Band Aid


7. Little Saint Nick- The Beach Boys

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8. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree- Brenda Lee


9. All I Want for Christmas is You- Mariah CareyĀ 


10. A Holly Jolly Christmas- Burl Ives


11. Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!- Frank Sinatra


12. Silver Bells- Dean MartinĀ 


13. Blue Christmas- Elvis Presley


14. Feliz Navidad- Jose FelicianoĀ 


15. Baby, It's Cold Outside- Margaret Whiting, Johnny Mercer


16. Wonderful Christmastime- Paul McCartney


17. Santa Clause is Comin' to Town- Bruce SpringsteenĀ 


18. Happy Xmas (War is Over)- John Lennon


19. What Christmas Means to Me- Stevie Wonder


20. White Christmas- Bing Crosby


21. Jingle Bell Rock-Bobby Helms


22. The Christmas Song- Nat King Cole


23. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer- Burl Ives


24. Winter Wonderland- Bing Crosby


25. (There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays- Carpenters


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