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Student Life

Stuck Between Two Colleges? Here are 5 Things To Consider In Your Research

Everything you should take into consideration before deciding making one of the biggest life decisions.

Megan Adair

I've found that several people go to a college for all the wrong reasons like "to escape their parents" or "because the weather is nicer there." Yes, these things can be benefits of going to certain colleges but they should not be the main reason why you commit to a college. Here are some important factors that I considered before committing to CofC.

1. Does it have your major?


This should be the first question you ask yourself when considering a college because if the school doesn't have your major, you have no reason to go there. My major happens to be business administration which can be found at most colleges. The next thing to consider about your major is which schools offer the best programs for your major. It might not be the best idea to pursue business at a college that focuses mainly on science and math. You can always look at the specific programs the college offers for each major and see how they are ranked.

2. How much is tuition?


This question is more important to some people than others. Some students don't have to worry about the cost, they can go to any out of state college and afford the full price. For other students, some may not have the option to go out of state because of money reasons or they have to earn enough scholarships to be able to go. Tuition plays a huge part in deciding where to go but it's nice to remember that most colleges give out a good amount of money to students and student loans are always an option too.

3. What is the student-to-faculty ratio?


Some people may not care about this question but for anyone who wants small classes and that small campus feel, this is important to consider. It's a personal preference to want certain size classes. For me, I wanted my classes to be pretty small so I could easily get extra help from the professor if I wanted to. I also wanted to connect with my professors, I wanted them to know my name and who I was. Some people don't mind those 200 or 300 person classes and others want the class size to be 15 people total, it just depends on the person.

4. Consider the environment


It's always a good idea to tour campus at least once before committing to the school. You're going to be walking across campus every single day so you should like how the campus looks. Different campuses can give off different vibes. Maybe one college you're considering is a total party school and you feel like academics aren't taken seriously enough, that would be a reason to possibly stop considering that school.

5. What is there to do on campus?


It's always good to get involved on campus from clubs to sports to even internships. You want to start building your resume right away and gain as much experience as you can. If a college doesn't have many clubs or student activities available, you might end up bored there. You want a campus that provides opportunities.

These are just a few things to consider when picking which college is right for you. Everyone is different and wants different things out of their college experience. It's important to pick what's best for you so you're happy and in the best place you can be.

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