As May is coming to an end and June begins, places and people will begin to show their support for the LGBT+ community as June is known as "pride month". This month is in memory of the Stonewall riots and not only fighting for equality but also celebrating love and acceptance.
While it seems like a time for everyone to come together and embrace this part of themselves many closeted people, especially in a smaller town, will never witness and experience this beautiful month in real life. They may think that this lifestyle will never come true for them, and their life will forever be a secret due to family, friends or religious issues, but as RuPaul said it the best "...As gay people, we get chose our family".
I didn't realize how much this quote meant to me, as I come from an LGBT+ accepting family until my senior in high school as strangers came up to me one by one spreading false rumors and exaggerating stories about my friend of 6 years (which is the longest friendship I've ever had). They accused her of manipulating a boy while cheating on him with a girl. I immediately broke down into tears and felt as though I was in 7th grade again because the only person to stick up for me and tell the homophobic bullies to back off was this same exact girl. I shut down the rumors and stories immediately, but also knew that the right thing to do was present her with what is happening in hopes I did it before hate came her way.
I planned a lunch date, and after I sat in her car while tearfully telling her how strong she is and how much of an inspiration she has been to me. Then I told her the hurtful words others were saying about her and told her that I will love her forever. She not only came out but said personal information of not having the most accepting family. I looked her in the eyes and told her "we are family now." While this story ends abruptly it's purpose was to share that you can find a family anywhere even in a small conservative Texas town, and to anyone feeling lost, confused or scared of what the future hold for them due to their sexual orientation just know the world works in weird ways and you will have your true family moment sooner or later.
Do You Secretly Have A B.S. In Sarcasm?