It IS worth the drive boys & girls!! | The Odyssey Online
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The Marvels Of Marquette Michigan

A photo journal of my recent exploration of Marquette.

The Marvels Of Marquette Michigan
Amanda Neumann

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The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is truly a natural wonder. It contains Pictured Rocks in Munising, Escarpment Trail in the Porcupine Mountains, and crystal clear waters of Lake Superior for miles and miles.

SO much of the UP is just breathtaking but recently, I took a trip to Marquette and we spared no expense when it came to finding the coolest spots for hiking, shopping, eating and even worshipping. I recently purchased a camera and have been loving it, so decided to put together a little look book to help paint a picture of my experiences.

The Delft Bistro

Delft Restaurant

Tyler R. Tichelaar's Blog

The Delft is an over 100 year old building which was renovated recently and made into a bistro. As you can see from the photo, the cinematic theme is still very present in the newly renovated Delft Bistro where they show popular movies on a projector while selling American food.

St. Peter's Cathedral

St. Peter's Cathedral

James Howe Photography

St. Peter's Cathedral is a massive roman Catholic church that is just beautiful on the inside and out. So beautiful that there are taurus and a mass offered daily. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2012, construction began in 1864 with Venerable Bishop Frederic Baraga laying the cornerstone.


Me enjoying Black Rocks

Amanda Neumann

These photos kind of speak for themselves, but if you saw the Black Rocks in real life, they might take your breath away. When I stepped on the area that is Black Rocks, I felt like I was a kid at a huge playground. A big tradition is to cliff jump off of these rocks, which sadly it was too cold to while I was there, but I would definitely recommend it.

The 906 - Best Meal I Ever Ate?

Google Images

The 906 is this hidden gem on the third floor of a building which overlooks Lake Superior. The staff is so nice and the prices are affordable, but most important, the food is OUT OF THIS WORLD. I got a fish tacos that was AMAZING! They were not even fried and I could taste the fact that they had recently been caught locally. I am going to be honest and saw that it might have been the best meal I've ever had.

The Infamous Sugarloaf Mountain

Views of Sugarloaf

Amanda Neumann

Sugarloaf Mountain is not a pretty easy hike, but when you reach the top it will look as if you climbed an actual mountain. Do NOT forget to bring your camera for this hike, the views will blow you away. This mountain overlooks the entire city of Marquette and puts many things into perspective.

It IS worth the drive boys & girls!!

My family and I at Black Rocks

Amanda Neumann

Overall, EXPLORE MARQUETTE! If you live in Michigan and have not ventured to the infamous "UP North" are you really LIVING here?

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