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11 Things To Take With You Going Into 2019

Everything from life lessons to your favorite foods!

11 Things To Take With You Going Into 2019

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It seems like at this time of year, everyone talks about what not to take with you into the New Year...fake people, bad memories, bad habits... But for all those bad things, there are also good things to take with us, too. And I want to focus on what I want to maintain going into 2019.

A positive outlook.

Nothing helps you get through life more than a positive outlook on things. Sure, we're all negative sometimes, but it's the effort that counts more than anything else. Focus on restructuring those negative thoughts into positive ones and you'll be okay going into 2019.

The friends that you love.

The New Year will bring plenty of opportunity for new friendships to form, but don't forget about the old ones, too! Make time for the friends you hold close to your heart and keep inviting new ones into your life, too.

The spirit of giving from the holidays.

Who says that Christmas is the only time we're able to give? Take that spirit into 2019 with you and make it a priority to give as much (if not more) than you get.

Thanksgiving thankfulness.

Going hand-in-hand with giving is being thankful for what you've been given. Don't forget to always show that you are thankful for what's in your life, and remind those in your life how lucky you are to have them.

All the delicious foods you've tried this year.

My favorite foods I've grown accustomed to this year are double-chocolate cupcakes (don't judge me), cheesesteaks, and garlic parm wings.

The new music, as well.

And if you're a Spotify user, you should check your Spotify wrapped statistics for all of your top songs this year and songs you should check out!

The confidence you've felt.

Confidence is key going into 2019. Yeah, sometimes it might be fake, but fake confidence is just as important as real confidence. Fake it 'til you make it, amirite?

The happiness this year's given you.

Remember all the good times fondly, especially during the bad that the next year brings you. No year is going to be perfect, but it's all about perspective.

 And also the pain.

Yeah, pain really sucks, but it's helped make you into the person you are today. I'm not saying to hold onto it and not move on, but own it and remind yourself where you've come from using it.

 All the best experiences you've had this year.

I've personally had so many amazing experiences this year. From Firefly Music Festival, to making new friends, to getting new jobs, while there's definitely been bad, the good trumps it by a long shot -- and that's how it is for you, too.

 And all the lessons you've learned.

Whether it's life advice from your mom or something you've learned just through living in this crazy world, keep those lessons close to your heart and keep them in mind going into 2019.

Realistically, no, 2019 will not be your "best year ever." Most of us will give up our resolutions after less than a month of trying, and the rest probably didn't even make one. But that's not to say that it won't be an amazing one. Take the best and the worst from 2018, the good feelings and the bad, everything you loved and everything you hated, into the New Year with you. Remember all that you've learned. And above all else, remember that, even if this isn't your best year ever, this year can still be something great to look back on.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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