Odyssey Template: 10 Summer Jobs You Can Safely Work During Quarantine In Your Hometown
There are still jobs to be had.
So. You're home from school. You've been home from school.
Whether you're an incoming freshman or just graduated, chances are you're looking for ways to make some money this summer while still abiding by social distancing standards in this new normal.
This template is designed for you to highlight opportunities in your area for college students and or recent graduates looking for a job they can safely work.
How To:
Here's where you come in! We want you and/or your friend(s) to create your very own "Summer Jobs You Can Safely Work During Quarantine In Your Hometown" on Odyssey using the template we created below. Have fun with it, put your personality into it, and most importantly, make it unique to your community and area.
Then, follow these steps:
- COPY the text in between the begin and end template sections below
- PASTE it into a new post in Odyssey's CORE
- Fill it all in and add photos
- Submit under Community: Adulting for a chance to be featured on Odyssey's Facebook and Instagram
- Don't have an account? CREATE ONE.
You should feature a picture of one of the jobs on your listicle. Try finding businesses social media accounts for a picture, and attribute accordingly. Or simply use a picture of yourself looking like you're at your computer looking for a job!
10 Summer Jobs You Can Safely Work During Quarantine If You Live Near [Enter City, State]
*10 is ideal, but it's OK if it's less than 10 — or more!
Provide three or four sentences introducing your list, with some context of why you have selected these jobs
1. [Enter Job]
Add a few sentences about what the position is, why it's safe to work right now, and how to apply.
2. [Enter Job]
Add a few sentences about what the position is, why it's safe to work right now, and how to apply.
3. [Enter Job]
Add a few sentences about what the position is, why it's safe to work right now, and how to apply.
4. [Enter Job]
Add a few sentences about what the position is, why it's safe to work right now, and how to apply.
5. [Enter Job]
Add a few sentences about what the position is, why it's safe to work right now, and how to apply.
6. [Enter Job]
Add a few sentences about what the position is, why it's safe to work right now, and how to apply.
7. [Enter Job]
Add a few sentences about what the position is, why it's safe to work right now, and how to apply.
8. [Enter Job]
Add a few sentences about what the position is, why it's safe to work right now, and how to apply.
9. [Enter Job]
Add a few sentences about what the position is, why it's safe to work right now, and how to apply.
10. [Enter Job]
Add a few sentences about what the position is, why it's safe to work right now, and how to apply.