In A World Of Disagreement, Be Kind
It's OK to stand up for yourself and for what you believe in, but do it with kindness.
Because of the new laws pertaining to abortion in Alabama, there has been an uproar. My social media feed has been packed with memes and long post arguing for both pro-choice and pro-life. I am not going to get into which one I think is right or wrong, but I am going to say that no matter what your belief, you should choose kindness.
So many of the things I have seen have been hateful and full of words like an idiot or stupid and scattered with every curse word under the sun. Hateful words never teach a person anything besides the fact that you are a mean person. If you feel strongly about a subject, teach the person lacking the knowledge of the subject. Don't laugh at and mock them.
Stick to what you know. It's never cool to be hateful and rude especially when you are not educated on what you are talking about. Making fun of religion then trying to use bible verses out of context to prove your point? Not cool. Yelling that someone is a baby hater because they agree with abortion even though they may have several children themselves? Not cool.
Know when to let it go. Social media arguments do nothing besides getting your blood boiling. You have your opinion that is most likely not going to change, it's OK to let the other person have theirs. State your case where it counts. Write letters and call offices and show support or disapproval, BUT whatever you do, do it with kindness.