Things You Do if You Grew Up as a Dancer
Dancing starting as a child, you will acquire so many weird quirks and traits that you don't realize until they are pointed out!
Growing up as a dancer, you definitely have created different habits for yourself. You may not notice these habits or mannerisms, but other people definitely will and tell you about it.
You stretch any time... anywhere.
Stretch GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphyNo matter it is in the studio, at the gym, or in the middle of the grocery store, you will stretch WHEREVER WHENEVER!
You can pop just about every joint in your body!
GiphyFrom your hips to your neck to your knees, people usually cringe at you popping your joints multiple times per day!
You make up a dance in your head to relatively every song that ever plays
GiphyFrom 80's hits to Today's pop, no matter the genre, whenever you hear music, your body automatically starts moving.
You can't sit normally in a chair
Spin Dab GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphyNo matter the occasion, it is hard to not put your body in weird positions in a chair just to remain comfortable.
You watch dance videos just as much as you watch TV
GiphyFrom your old recital videos to national-winning routines, you can spend hours watching dancing and never get bored.