You Are Going To Miss Your Parents, Sweetheart
No matter how much the may frustrate you right now, when you leave them, you will definitely feel their absence, most likely in a bad way.
When we are little kids, we think our parents are the best, and they are the superheroes of our lives. They help us up when we fall; they hold us when we're sad; they love us through it all. All the stories we hear of teenagers hating their parents don't even seem true. How can someone hate someone who used to be their superhero in life? Teenagers must be ungrateful creatures, and they don't know what they truly have.
Well, as you begin to creep into your teenage years, you start to bump heads with your parents constantly. Whether it be over going out with friends or doing certain chores or babysitting younger siblings, you feel as if you are in a constant battle with them. They aren't letting you make your own choices, and it's super frustrating that they aren't letting you grow up. You just want to grow up and be your own person, and they are hindering you with every time they tell you no. Every single day is pushing you closer to when you are going to leave.
As you get closer to the day you graduate high school, the realization of leaving them starts to become more apparent. As you go to a leadership conference on the campus you plan to attend in the upcoming fall, you feel how it will be without them. The feeling is exhilarating but terrifying at the same time. How are you going to survive without their constant guidance? What you used to believe as them being controlling and strict parents are now understood as them caring and loving you enough to guide you in the right directions. As your last semester of high school slowly comes to an end, you start to feel as if you are already gone. You start to crave that close relationship with your parents that you had back when you were younger. You begin to remember why they were your superhero when you were growing up, and you wonder how it all went wrong.
So if you think you won't miss your parents or family members, you couldn't be further from the truth. Everybody always gets a little homesick, and it's okay. Tell your parents that you love them. Enjoy their strict guidance while you can. Because sooner or later, you won't have them around to tell you what events you can attend or what time you need to be home. Their guidance is there to help make you the best person you can possibly be, so appreciate it while you still have this time with them.