10 Last Minute Christmas Gifts For The 'Oh, Crap' Moments
For all of those who would rather pull their own teeth than spend another moment in a shopping center.
Christmas time really does come out of nowhere. One moment it's Thanksgiving, you blink, and it's Christmas Eve. In the hustle of family, friends, and shopping it can be very easy to overlook someone in your life. Instead of a full stress meltdown, improvise and win the Christmas season in just one night.
1. Christmas Hot Chocolate
Available in pretty much any store, and usually packaged adorably, Christmas Hot Chocolate is a great way to show you care and make it look like you have yourself together.
2. Personalized coupons may sound like a thing of the past but everyone likes gifts that keep on giving.
Christmas coupons may be a thing of the past but adults could stand for a free car wash or lunch date as well. Giving a gift that lasts for more than just one day is something everyone loves.
3. Anything offered on Same Day Amazon Shipping.
Amazon is taking over the world, I know it, you know it. Now, Amazon is offering same day shipping for many of its products. That means you can literally order something on Christmas Eve and still get it on time.
4. A subscription to something great.
Whether it be Spotify, Amazon or even a wine subscription - the options are endless. This gift is great all year, is quick to order, and can be done the night before Christmas. Who doesn't love a year of free music?
5. Offer child or house care.
Moms and dads everywhere pay big bucks for child care. Offering a night out free of charge can be the greatest gift of all. This gift is quick and easy but shows how much you care for a busy schedule and a hectic holiday season.
6. Pick up a board game.
The world seems to get busier and busier every year. There are few people who don't love to sit down for a great board game. Pick up a classic at countless stores near you and maybe even suggest a group game night. After all, experiences are better than gifts.
7. Regift a favorite book.
Books are an extremely personal present. Passing on a favorite novel along with a special note is way more powerful than mindlessly gifting a cheap necklace.
8. Give something more practical than pretty.
Whether that means giving a Target gift card or gifting a new set of measuring cups, a practical gift is worth more than anything fancy. Christmas seems to be the time of useless crap, your friend will appreciate something they can use way more than something they can just look at.
9. Frame a picture.
Pictures are worth 1,000 words, right? There are few things more sentimental and special than a framed picture. This is an inexpensive way to show your friend or family member that you value the memories you have with them.
10. Go for a gift card.
When all else fails, a gift card is the way to win a friend over. Some may say that a gift card is an "easy way out" but lets' be honest, we'd all much rather pick out our own gifts, anyways.
Christmas time can be a time of great joy, but also of great stress. It's only human to forget at least one person when it comes to Christmas shopping. As you run to the store in hopes of last minute gifts, remember that it's the thought that counts. The season of endless shopping will soon be over and your friends will be thrilled you remembered to get them anything at all.