Whenever you start work in high school, you think you're the coolest person in the world, you go and pick up your workers permit from your school and get hired. I was hired at our local ice cream place called, Kimball Farm. The place that I didn't realize at the time was going to give me one of the most amazing long-distance best friends. I worked at Kimball's for about three years.
When Sarah and I started, our job was to wipe tables outside and then we eventually "moved up" to scooping ice cream.
I moved to South Carolina almost three years ago, and Sarah and I joke that we took advantage of our friendship at the time and should've hung out more, now that I have moved, we've grown so much closer than I would've imagined. She's the person I call on my walk home from class, when I need someone to cry to, when I can't make a decision on what to do/eat, and even when I'm just plain old bored.
You're the person I never get annoyed with, or mad at; I don't think we've ever actually gotten into a fight. It's crazy when you move far away from your friends, it either makes or breaks your relationship- and thank god, it made ours.
It's been two years since I've seen you and our relationship is the strongest it's ever been.
You've always been so supportive of me with almost everything I do. It's nice to have someone you can rely on so you can complain to each other about all of your problems; everyone always needs one of those people. Thanks for being a top-notch best friend, and for letting me live vicariously through you in the North while it snows when I'm stuck with 90-degree humidity. You're one in a million; I love you.