It Is Okay To Stay Young
An open explanation to all the girls who are trying to grow up too fast
Since leaving school for the summer and coming back to my hometown, I have run into a lot of things that have honestly freaked me out. I know, technically I am not grown, but I am not fifteen years old either. I feel like a lot of girls that are around the ages fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen are trying too hard to grow up too fast. Sitting back and watching my younger sister make decisions, that I know she might regret or should not be doing right now, hurts me to no end. I do not know how to get the point across to her or her friends, that life will work itself out. There is seriously no need to rush things right now, because eventually there will come a time in their lives where they have nothing new left to try. When I was beginning high school, other than boys, there really was not any other topic on my mind that I was worried about (honestly I wish I was not worried about them either). But it seems as if these girls that I have seen come in and out of my house with my sister this past month have many other ideas occupying their heads...
Your moms are your BEST friend
I did not get this when I was in high school either, but it is so true. These girls need to realize that and stop sneaking around because their moms are only trying to relate and help them get through things that they may not want to tell each other.
You do not need to get drunk to have a good time
You are FIFTEEN years old. At fifteen, alcohol was not even something I had in my mind to have a good time. Okay, yes, alcohol is fun, but in some states you can not even legally purchase fireworks, and yet somehow you have limitless amounts of alcohol??? Does not make sense to me.
Juuling is NOT cool
Again, you are not even old enough to buy a Juul and all of you have one!! HOW. Personally, I do not Juul and if you do, like okay cool. But stop offering to buy it for younger kids, it is not worth it and anyone can literally get addicted to the nicotine in it, just because they do not smell like cigarettes, does not mean that they are any better for you.
I have continuously said those three things to my sister and all of her friends, and they do not seem to get it (or they get mad at me for even bringing it up). But I promise, it is okay to talk to your mom, it is okay to choose your girlfriends over a boy, and it is okay to be sober to have a good time. If anything, I just hope they figure out that their time will eventually come to grow up, and once they do, I think they might regret the decisions they have made as kids.