Ladies, He Saw Your Text And Is Now Ghosting You, It's Time To Delete His Number And Move On
It's almost 2021, we are no longer are putting up with the wishy-washy texters.
In this day and age, it's increasingly easy to just stop contacting anyone we aren't interested in without ever facing consequences. One person walks away unscathed, while the other is constantly wondering what they did wrong. The truth of the matter is, if you use the ghosting technique to end romantic conquests, you are a coward.
You might think by ghosting the other person, you will make it easier for them to get over you. But, in reality, the other person's feelings are never even accounted for if you just disappear. Ghosting someone is selfish because it's taking the easy way out of an uncomfortable situation. If you truly don't want to pursue them, just tell them that. It's better to swallow a hard truth than to sit there wondering what went wrong or if they died in a tragic accident. Sorry to break it to you ladies, but he saw your text. And he's not too busy to reply.
If you are one of the people who was unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of this scenario, I have good news for you. You dodged a huge bullet. Even though the relationship might've been short-lived, it's clear that this person is lacking the emotional maturity for it to last anyway. If he can't even bring himself to admit he's not that into you, how would he ever be able to function in a communicative, loving relationship?
Not to mention, wouldn't you want to be with a man who is selfless enough to actually care about your feelings? It's almost 2021, we are no longer are putting up with the wishy-washy texters. As much as it might hurt for the person you dated to just drop off the face of the Earth, you might've saved yourself wasted time in the long run. Be thankful that he took them out when he did, because now you're able to spend more time sliding into new DMs and finding a new BOO.
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