I Should've Grown Up In A Different Generation
This new age of all the digital media that is going on and different social networking places is great and all, but sometimes I just feel like an older generation would've fit me much better.
This day and age is much different than the typical era. With any era there will always be lots of change, but this new era might have the biggest change out of any we've seen in a while. The amount of new technology and just the way things are going and how people act.
Social media seems to be everything to everyone. Growing up there wasn't a lot of technology available to young kids. Kids still had to use their imagination in order to go outside and play with each other. But when technology did become big was when I was in middle school/late elementary school, and that changed a lot of how people acted.
One thing that I wish I had to do when growing up is when you asked someone to go out on a date. Back before technology, you had to go in person and ask them or call their home phone and talk to them over the phone after talking with their parent. This is rather than having to just DM someone over Twitter or Instagram and just keep texting them and/or Snapchatting them. I feel like it would be so rewarding getting that yes and it would mean a lot more. Also, asking in order to ask someone out you would have to really like them because you have to go through all that trouble.
Also, when you're hanging out with friends or hanging out with a significant other there weren't any phones that could distract you. You actually had to get to know the other person and be entertaining each other. It was easier to know whether you and that other person had good vibes together or not. It would make knowing if you would be good friends with someone easier or whether to pursue this other person more.
In the older generations, there were a lot more in-person contact and a lot more talking rather than texting. Sometimes I feel like I would have liked living in those days a lot more. It would be so nice just talking to someone face to face when you wanted to talk. Also, can I just mention the music was so good back then too, but that's a whole new conversation that I won't get into now?