Poetry On Odyssey: To My Future Daughter
Will you be strong like your papa/Or maybe a smart ass like your ma
This poem was in my small book of poems I keep; I always wondered what it would be like to grow up and have a daughter to see who she would be, so taking this idea I wrote this poem.
To My Future Daughter
I wonder my dear child who your father shall be like
I hope he's tall enough that he's filled every day with humble and joy
That he will take your hand and raise you right
While being the knight in shining armor you need
I pray he tucks you in and says your amen's every night
I wonder how your eyes will appear
Should they be browning almonds on top of a fresh pastry
Or oceans of blue and green cascading onto the shore to meet your feet
Maybe they will ooze with the beauty of caramel
Will you be strong like your papa
Or maybe a smart ass like your ma
Will your hair have ringlets or curls,
like a perfect orchestra that is playing in tune
Or straight as the tip of a wooden board
Will your skin be as white as a snow
Brown as the perfect milk chocolate bar
Or as dark as the beautiful sand in the Hawaiian Islands
Will your smile be the light in the day someone needs
Following with the kindness that bleeds
Dear Remmy Oliver I hope you love me,
I sure will,
Your one day mum