Fall 2018, I Just Want To Say, 'See You Never'
This semester was basically a rollercoaster ride with good moments and bad moments and all in all, I'm glad its over.
I am sure that many can say that it has been one of the hardest semesters to date.
Reason number one is because I learned how difficult some teachers' teaching habits can be and how some of them really do not understand that sometimes their methods may not be as efficient as they think. Sometimes the best method is to ask for feedback so you can know how your class is going and to also know if you have a good teaching style. I do understand that at times teachers just get used to their style and believe that the students should adjust, but sometimes I believe there needs to be a compromise.
This semester has taught me to have patience with not just myself but with teachers. I had a teacher this semester who basically said if we did not have the intellectual capacity to pass her class then she did not understand why we all were wasting our money to fail. The class reacted in shock that a teacher would say something like this but I really was not shocked because teachers almost feel untouchable and feel that all their years of experience puts them at an advantage.
Like any student, there were times this semester that literally made me want to give and just drop whatever I was working on. Sometimes we just feel so unmotivated and uninspired to be great. I know there are those days where I read the material on a page around six times and it just won't stick and I get very frustrated. There are also those days where you have been working all day and you get home and you have an endless list of homework you must do. These are the days that I reflect on the point of school and why so many people drop out.
I've had classes where the workload was not as heavy but I felt as if I learned more when the workload was less. I understand that teachers may think that the more homework and activities we do the more information we will be able to retain. I also feel like teachers also forget that we have a lot of other responsibilities. I am not trying to make excuses or saying that teachers should not give any homework. I am suggesting if the class does not require a lot of course material to succeed in it then there should be a simple plan put in place.
This semester really taught me how to get myself in a headspace even if I am not feeling my greatest. In some sort of way, it also motivated to do better in school much better than in the past, with having a lot on my plate, it taught me to not let time be an obstacle or an excuse. So, the one thing I would like to say to "fall 2018" is that even tho you taught me a lot, I am so glad I can put you behind me.