10 Ways English Majors Are Figuratively, NOT Literally, Ted Mosby
To write or to read, that is the question all English majors must face when working on homework.
Rather you're an English major or lit major or a writing major, there are a few things that we all have in common. And if you watched "How I Met Your Mother," you probably related to Ted Mosby more than you wished to.
Restraining yourself for correct people's text
It's you're not your and it irritates me to no end.
Not understanding the difference between an English major and an English writing or English literature major
My friend from another school is an English major and I'm an English writing major. I still don't know what the difference is.
Having one grammar rule that you care a lot about
Whether it be "your vs. you're," "affect vs. effect," or "literally vs. figuratively," there's a good chance you go crazy throughout your day.
Writer's block
Especially because your grade counts on it. Although, it won't be fun when it turns into your job depending on it.
Having to write all genres in one class
Even though you prefer one genre and hate the others.
I don't care for nonfiction tbh.
Knowing how impossible it is to have a favorite book
It's like picking a favorite child... but worse.
People telling you your major is the easiest one
I get it, but at the same time, we can have a lot of work to do. We just drown in papers, reading assignments, research projects, presentations and portfolios. I still prefer it to exams and labs.
Figuring out life
Honestly, there's too many things I want to do for a career and I can't pick AND each one is under my major. It is a nice problem to have. But hey I can run away from making a choice until the time comes.