How To Get Through The Rest Of The Semester
Just a few tips on how to enjoy the weeks ahead.
Just got back from spring break and now we're all realizing that this is the home stretch for the school year. Here are some tips to get you through to the end of the semester with as little of a struggle as possible.
Get assignments done on time, if not early.
Seems pretty understandable, right? Get your work done on time so that it can be graded and your GPA won't take a hit. However, as the semester begins to wind down, it may seem more and more difficult to achieve such a task. So I highly recommend planning your assignments ahead of time and getting them done as early as you can. This way, you won't forget about them or run out of precious time.
Make sleep a priority.
Once again, seems like a given. Also once again, we as college students tend to forget that our bodies can't run without rest. Trust me, nobody is going to deny that late nights with friends are great. Try sleeping throughout the week and then saving your long nights for the weekend. Which brings me to my next tip...
Make plans to have fun/ go out.
With the weather getting nice more and more fun options will be available for your enjoyment. Grand Prix weekend will be happening soon. Spring Fest is just around the corner. So many fun things for you and friends to do that will help you de-stress from daily life. Personally, I make plans for every weekend so I always have something to look forward to throughout the week. Some of those plans can even be a self-care day.
Workout and eat right.
Everyone is trying to get their "summer body", but you should be doing these things to keep yourself healthy and happy. Not just to look a certain way. Exercise and healthy eating will help with your physical, mental/emotional, and social health. You may even get some #gains while putting in work. :) Also, don't forget to drink plenty of water.
Go outside.
Some days are colder than others, but the weather isn't terrible and can be quite enjoyable. So go out there and enjoy it! The sunshine and sound of birds chirping can really boost your mood even if you're having a rough day.