8 Easy Steps To Help You Change From A Night Owl To An Early Bird
We all know how dreadful the morning can be, but these easy steps can make it a whole lot easier for you!
It's seven am the morning after a late night, and here comes that irritating sound of your alarm. Instantly, you're in a bad mood and angrily starting your day off. If only mornings didn't have to seem so awful...
What if I told you this doesn't always have to be the case though? Coming from somebody who at one point couldn't get out of bed before 11 am earliest, to now waking up in a good mood with the rising of the sun every morning, it is possible. Here are some of the ways I was able to change from a night owl to an early bird.
Focus on a morning schedule.
Your morning routine is the most important part of all of this. Even if you go to bed late, if you wake up at the right time, make your breakfast, get up and do the things you need to do in the morning, you will find it much easier and natural to get up.
Change the sound of your alarm.
Everybody knows the infamous iphone chirping alarm sound, it is extremely irritating and easily the most annoying sounds, so change it. Switch it up so your body hears something completely different. We tend to get accustomed to and ignore the alarms, making it harder to register and wake from them.
Avoid Naps Throughout The Day.
This can be a hard one especially for us college students, but it will allow you to get an earlier, better night of sleep that will set you up for a higher energy morning.
When you wake up, get up.
Instead of waking up and sitting on your phone, checking social media, or continually hitting that snooze button, GET UP. It is as simple as that, your body will force itself up and creating this as a habit you will basically be springing out of bed in no time.
Open your curtains before you go to bed.
Let the light in! When your alarm goes off you will see the room flooded with light, this is a much easier condition to wake up than in a dungeon.
Avoid staying up late on your phone.
The blue lights on your device will make it harder to fall asleep, making you miss your bedtime and wake up later.
Get active during the day.
Tire yourself out throughout the day so you don't have so much pent up energy when it's time to go to bed!
Some of these may seem self-explanatory, but as easy as they seem to be, they are easy to forget. Becoming a morning person sets you up for such a better day, you get more done by the time the average person wakes up and having more energy in the morning sets you up for a more productive day.
Sure maybe a bedtime in college sounds lame, but you know what they say. Go catch that worm!