Say What's On Your Mind, The Outcome Might Surprise You
To everyone with the unwritten letters, unsent text messages, and conversations they never had.
"Chances are, I'll never get a moment like this again, so here's everything I have ever wanted to tell you."
What would you say if you had the chance?
Why haven't you already?
What's holding you back?
We all have texts we haven't sent, notes we never delivered, calls we never made, and conversations we left unsaid. We can all remember a specific moment in our life where we had stayed quiet and wish we would have said whatever was on our minds at that point in time. We have accepted and become more comfortable with saying less than more, but why?
Life is full of "what ifs," "whys," "would it have made a difference," and so many other questions. However, we may never know the answers to these questions constantly running through our minds. These words, unsent, unspoken, unwritten, may come to haunt us and make us guilty for not saying them.
"Make the first move, tell people how you feel, stop being so scared of rejection, stop feeling so engulfed with thoughts that aren't even yours, and stop wasting your time."
If you want to say something, say it. If you want to send something, send it.
You could at least say you said or sent it rather than regretting having not or questioning why you never did. You may not get the response you hoped for, but that's okay. Take it as closure and move on to things that will make you happy. You may get the response you hoped for, and that's why you should say how you feel. You never know what could happen until you try.
"Sometimes the words we leave unspoken are the most important ones that should have been said."
Life's short, so speak your mind; share your thoughts; tell someone how you feel. It may be scary, but you're going to be okay.
With all this being said, however, don't let the things you didn't say change you. Everything you have or haven't been through, done, and said has made you who you are today, and that's something to love yourself for.