ASU Students' Views Of The Confederate Flag Are Deeply Divided
There is a large disagreement when it comes to this symbol and its representation.
The Confederate Flag, a symbol marking the South's secession which led to the Civil War, remains a divisive emblem among ASU students, with some viewing it as Southern pride and others perceiving it as a symbol of deep-seated racism.
Edjen Faye Duran, a student from the Philippines, believes it is inappropriate for this flag to be celebrated. "I think that it is offensive and despairing for them to do that. I think that the flag symbolizes racism, death and overall inequality that many people of color have had to go through," said Duran.
But other students disagree. "A lot of times it's taken as racism. But a lot of people just treat it as a sign of heritage and keeping to their roots," said another student.
Kylie Vacala of Gilbert believes that the legality of flying the flag is not the question, but instead, the issue lies in the morality of the action. "The Confederate flag represents negative outlooks and I do believe shows support of slavery. I think when someone parades or flies the flag it still represents those ideals," said Vacala.
Disagreements have heightened since the Ku Klux Klan, which is classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, adopted Confederate symbolism. This group praises the flag as well as Confederate monuments.
The KKK's involvement has also increased outbreaks of violence, one of the most notorious being a 2017 clash between alt-right protestors and counter-protestors surrounding a Confederate monument in Charlottesville, Va.
According to ABC News, one woman was killed during these protests and 19 were injured.