10 Thoughts That Pop Into Every Girl's Mind When Her Boyfriend Says He'll Be There In Less Than 20
Is it acceptable to text back and ask him to wait 20 minutes so you can get ready and clean your apartment?
I love seeing my boyfriend's name pop up on my phone and see a text that he is on his way over. I'm so excited that I get to see him but then panic sets in. I only have 20 minutes to make sure that my apartment is completely clean and that I'm ready for date night. Well, I know 20 minutes isn't enough time and these thoughts cross my mind in the 20 minutes of panic that occur before he gets here.
1. I literally have 20 minutes to clean everything so he doesn't think I sat around all day eating Cheetos and watching Netflix.
I probably did, but he doesn't need to know that...yet.
2. I have to change into real clothes and out of my old college crew neck and the leggings I have worn for the last three days.
Nothing screams sexy like that, right? Wrong. Time to empty out my closet in search of the perfect outfit.
3. Do I need to take out the trash?
It's only one bag, so it should be fine if I just leave it for now.
4. Do I need to fix my hair?
My hair is a fizzy mess and is falling out of the bobby pins. Does it really matter though because it always is?
5. When was the last time I shaved?
I mean my legs don't feel that prickly...
6. I most definitely need to take out the trash because the one bag just turned into three bags.
Last time he complained about the one bag so he definitely will complain about three bags.
7. I regret doing nothing all day and should've been cleaning this apartment instead.
How does my apartment get so messy when I live alone?
8. Why do I have so many dirty dishes?
I eat out all of the time yet my sink if full of dishes and I regret not living in an apartment with a dishwasher.
9. I wonder what are plans are for tonight and if I need to even clean.
I mean if we are going out then there is no need to even clean my apartment, right?
10. Efff...he just texted that he just parked so I'm just going to shove everything into my closet and hope for the best.
Clothes, shoes, jackets, books, you name it and it's probably shoved in the closet.
Even though these ten thoughts cross your mind, you know you are beyond excited to see your boyfriend. Plus if you and your boyfriend have been dating a while then he probably is used to your apartment been a mess and you thinking that you look like a mess all the time.