What It's Like To Try To Find Your People At College
Navigating through friendships and trying to connect with people on a huge college campus can be challenging.
As a freshman student at a large college with thousands of students, it's easy to be overwhelmed. While, yes there are so many people who you could potentially be best friends with, there are also so many other people who you might not vibe with. The truth is, it's more than likely that you aren't going to meet your best friends right at the beginning of your freshman year, or even for a while after.
It's normally and perfectly acceptable to feel lonely when you're in a new place figuring out who you are.
It can be hard to trust people after you have a bad experience with the friends you make and lose in the beginning, but it's just a part of the process. Sometimes you have to have these experiences to become tougher and to know what a real friendship just shouldn't be.
It can be hard to remember that there are people out there who are looking for a friend like you. Trust me when I say there are, even if it's one person, even if it doesn't happen right away, there are people out there.
The most important thing to remember when you are shifting and moving throughout friend groups, losing and making connections with people, is that you have to be yourself. I know that this sounds like the cheesiest thing in the world, but you aren't going to make the right friends if you aren't being authentic.
You have to remember where you came from and why you are where you are. It's harder to make lasting friendships when you aren't being yourself. If you're afraid that people won't like who you are, that's okay, because the people who don't like who you are don't deserve your love and friendship.