You Are Here To Make Your Little Part Of The World Better, Don't Give Up So Soon
He created you for a reason and couldn't imagine the world without you.
So many times we get down on ourselves to be better, look better, do better. While it is important to grow, it is important to not feel down on yourself and make yourself feel so insignificant. As a teen, it is so easy to feel insecure and let people get to you.
I am still learning to not let people get the best of me, but it is a hard lesson to learn. It isn't like classes where we could learn the content and after one or two semesters we never have to deal with it again. This is life from kindergarten till we die - we will have bad days or days where we question why we are here on Earth. I know some of you don't believe in G-d(s) but He created you for a reason and couldn't imagine the world without you.
You are here to make your little part of the world better. This means to feel motivated to do what you love and how no one is like you. Forget comparing yourself to your siblings, roommate, rival, or whoever because you are you. We all have our own struggles and challenges that may seem small to some but are really a big deal to others. Don't make fun of someone or yell at someone if they fear heights, bugs, or other things.
Whenever I speak to someone and ask why they're upset or ask what they fear, I get shocked sometimes about what they fear but now I understand how scary fear is. I wish I could go back to my high school self and tell her not to worry about a teacher, classmates, or college because everything somehow works out for the best. I hope you have a good day and if you feel down, don't feel afraid. I am here for you and I love you for you.