I am nineteen so that means I have been on this earth for almost two decades. That is a long time. I am going to list 19 things I have learned so far, the hard way or the easy way.
Don' t let anyone tell you what you cannot do.
Go after what you want, no matter what
Enjoy being young because you grow up fast
Don't forget the people that raised you. Always appreciate them
Be grateful for what you have because some people have nothing
Do not settle for anything
Take any opportunity that comes along because you may not get another one
Never forget that you are beautiful inside and out
Fake friends are not worth your time
Everyone makes mistakes
No one, and I mean no one, is perfect
Live every day to the fullest
Everyone has their flaws - it's better to accept those and live with them
Depression is real. If you feel it reach out to someone. If you know someone with it, reach out to them.
Make every day count
Work hard so you can play later
Don't ever be someone else - always BE YOU
Always be kind to everyone - You never know who they will end up being in your life.
Lastly, always be true to your beliefs. This will help you in the end.
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