Every major has its own set of qualities and personalities that make it distinctive from the others. At the end of the day, we are all just a bunch of college kids struggling to get through. But, to make the most of this struggle, it would be so much more fun to think of each major like a different breed of doggos. Here are my top ten picks!
Early Grades Prep
A classic, go lucky, and loyal companion, aka the beagle.
What kind of dog looks more business casual than a poodle? I think none.
Exercise Science
Not only are border collie's smart in the classroom, but their energetic demeanor makes them fun and active outside the classroom too.
Bloodhounds are known to be relentless and stubborn in nature, which is exactly what it takes to get through an upper-level calculus class.
German Shepherd's loyalty and courage will brave them through anything organic chemistry course.
Because what kind of dog is more chatty and charming than a chihuahua?
A challenging breed but yet a very loyal companion.
Bernese Mountain Dogs are built for hard work and overcoming obstacles while also having an affectionate nature.
I bet they can keep all of their knowledge in their ears.
A perfect loyal pup that is super loyal and responsive to emotions.