10 Annoying Pet Peeves That Will Raise Your Blood Pressure Just Reading About Them
Everyone has them, but here are the worst of the worst.
Everyone has them, but here are the worst of the worst.
1. People who say "Uge" instead of "Huge."
There is an "H" there for a reason people. I'm looking at you, Brian.
2. People who pull in front of me on the road and slam on their brakes or slow down.
Like come on! I was going a consistent speed and now you had to ruin it.
3. People who walk super slow in front of me and take up the whole path so I can't get around them.
I just want to get from place A to B and you people make it impossible.
4. People who have conversations on speakerphone in public.
It is one thing to do it in private but not everybody needs to hear your whole conversation.
5. Group projects.
I always end up doing everything anyway, just let me do it individually.
6. People who are proud of their ignorance.
In today's day and age, it is not difficult to be informed as to what is happening. If you are ignorant and are proud, you are wasting the resources that have been provided to society.
7. People who say "I could care less" instead of "I COULDN'T care less."
When you say the first one you are saying that you actually do care!
8. Kids who kick my seat on airplanes.
I understand that they get bored, but parents please keep your kids from kicking my seat. I get enough turbulence as it is.
9. People who consistently say "Uh" when speaking.
My God, could you please spit it out! I have other places to be.
10. People who dog ear pages in books.
Bookmarks were invented for a reason, stop abusing the books.