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5 Tips To Survive Spring Semester

Spring fever is hard y'all...

5 Tips To Survive Spring Semester

Spring semester is a tough one. Here are some tips to getting through it and surviving it.

1. Make A Friend To Hold You Accountable


If you don't have one already, find a friend in each of your classes. Someone who can text or call you when you miss class. Someone who will check in to see if you are coming or not. Not someone who will just say okay and send you notes. Find someone who will motivate you and miss you when you aren't there.

2. Schedule


SCHEDULE. SCHEDULE. SCHEDULE. With the spring weather coming it can be difficult to keep focus and not go outside and play frisbee or hike with friends. But you can always schedule in time to study and time to go hiking. Try not to go off and do spontaneous activities....at least until the semester is over.

3. Think of Graduation


If you are graduating then just think about how close it is! If not, then try to think about all the summer adventures you will have or experience! Think of break and how close you are to finishing up the school year.

4. Doing Something In Your Community


Having some kind of purpose that will keep you busy is a great way to also keep you organized about your scheduling. It will also fill you with some type of happiness and fulfillment that will help motivate you to keep going and to keep making a difference.

5. Remember What Your Goals Are


By doing this you can stay motivated. Whether that means thinking about your career, the money you'll be making, etc. Anything that can help keep you on track and focused is always a positive to have in your life.

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