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3 Summer Resolutions You Should Make Today

Who says you can only make resolutions in the new year?

3 Summer Resolutions You Should Make Today
Miranda Price

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If you're like me, you may like making resolutions. It doesn't even have to be during the New Year's time; I just like making goals for myself. I do this during the new semester and during breaks too. So, I decided to compile a list of summer resolutions that I'd like to do and that you should have too. You don't have to do these to have a great summer, but these things will definitely make your summer more exciting. Besides, if you don't really know what you'll want to do this summer, these tips can help give you ideas. I made sure to keep them general so you could have some wiggle room with what you'd like to do.

So, without further ado, here are 3 resolutions you should make this summer:

1. Go somewhere new.

This is a pretty simple resolution, and you can play around with this idea. Summer is a great time to try new things and go to new places, so why not? You could go to a new restaurant you've never been to before or you could even go to a beach that you've never visited. You can go somewhere that you've always wanted to go or go to a place you just heard about. It's up to you; just go on your own little adventure! Personally, I'll be going to a beach that I haven't visited since I was really young, so it'll definitely feel like a new place to me!

2. Work on a project.

I love working on summer projects. It could be some sort of fitness challenge or craft, but projects are always great if you're stuck at home one day with nothing in mind to do. I worked on a big craft last summer that I'd like to finish this summer. I also have a fitness challenge later this summer. You could do whatever project you'd like; just have fun with it!

3. Volunteer.

I know that summer is supposed to be all fun and games, but, if you have some extra time, why not use it to help others? You could volunteer at an animal shelter or soup kitchen. I'm volunteering at a local library. It can be wherever you feel led to be, but helping people is a great way to spend your summer. Maybe you'll find an opportunity that you really like and would want to continue working with?

I hope these gave you some ideas for what you'd like to do this summer. Even though we all love summer break to get out of school, it can be a bit dull sometimes. Still, summer is a great opportunity to go out and try something you didn't have time to do during the school year. I encourage you to go out and make the most of your summer.

Good luck!

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