Summer Recap 2019 | The Odyssey Online
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Summer Recap 2019

No particular order, but here are some of my favorite thing I have done this summer.

Summer Recap 2019
ally burnham photography

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I just wanted to write a blog post for all that know me personally of my summer highlights. This is ultimately just for memories and a way to share whats been happening in my life.

FCA Camp

ally burnham photography

This summer I attended my first ever FCA camp as a tennis huddle leader down in LA. It was something that I was a little uneasy about in the beginning because I am not a college athlete however, my fears quickly went away and I had the best week pouring God's love into my 10 amazing high school girls. I absolutely loved every single one of them and they are all absolute angels; not that we didn't have our struggles or exhausted moments but, I wouldn't of changed one thing. So many amazing moments shared, dance parties, laughs up and down the dorm hallways, and to many ice cream brownie sundays to even count! I wont forget these memories, these girls, and the way God moved in all our lives this week. I am thankful to all that were there and made this possible (coaches, staff, leaders, pastors).

Maddie's trip to Cali

ally burnham photography

Wow, such an amazing gift to have Maddie come visit me this summer. We had such a blast and filled every moment of every day,.. If your needing a list of what to do in Northern California hit me up! Haha anyway, I am so happy I got to show Maddie my favorite place and where I live (Finally). I won't go into extreme detail (because we know what happened), but I'm glad I've convinced you to come again!

SF Trip

ally burnham photography

Went on a day trip to San Fran and hung out at Ocean Beach with Grace, Sven, and Brandon. We through a ball around there for a while, watched the waves, and sung while Sven played the ukulele (his musical ability amazes me). then we headed up to people watch and chill in Dolores Park and waited for Big Justin to meet us. After being there we walked a mile or so to a jazz bands performance at some bar and then ate at an interesting Vegan restaurant, where we shared a table with people on business. Eventually getting home super late after we had escaped from a violent hobo who throw rocks at our car.., nut all in all a good trip.

Poker Run

ally burnham photography

Every summer for the past few years me and my dad + either Bryce / a friend/ or Brandon goes on the Rubicon trail with us, camping, and to the clubs party. It an event that my Dad's jeep puts on called the poker run, which is super fun! Unfortunately my dad sold his jeep this summer so we weren't able to go on the Rubicon part of the trip but we did go up for the party and dance that they hold at night. It was a total blast and this year everyone went, Bryce, Brandon, Keith, Heather and even Tosh!

Beach Adventure & Napa

ally burnham photography

Me and B headed to the beach one late afternoon in hopes to relax on the sand and to also hike the coast. Which we did and then the surprise was on the way home we stopped in Napa to see my good friend Camile, who had just got her wisdom teeth out the day prior and we just chatted all night. I was such a a wonderful surprise to see her. She just glows from the inside out, even with her puffy cheeks. Eventually getting home so late that I just slept on the backyard coach that night because I was locked out of my house (thank goodness, its summer)


ally burnham photography

We went camping for a day with work friends and friends of friends up near Tahoe. Then the second day we went all the way up to south Lake Tahoe and ate a half pint of ice cream each at Camp Richardson's, went to the beach, and jumped off the pier. Then on the way home we stopped in Auburn and hiked 6miles up to lake clementine and ate at the taco tree on the way home.

Colorado Trip With Justine

ally burnham photography

At the start of summer I took a week to travel with Justine and her Family to Colorado. We had a great time, spent lots of time eating great gluten free food, hiking, shopping, driving, doing hotel activities, in the hot tub, and watching Schitt's Creek. So much fun!!! Although we could of packed a few more layers, it was a but colder than we were expecting.

B's B-Day

ally burnham photography

For Bandon's Birthday we spent the day floating down the american river starting at Lake Natoma in his new home depot raft. We bought out a speaker, picked up lunch and laughed all the way down the river... well, until we were ready to go home and had the state patrol boat drag us back to shore. Then we did some rock jumping and stopped for a birthday treat at NUYO on our way home.

Photography Business

ally burnham photography

This summer I decide after a little bit of help from friends that I would start a photography account and side business. SO, I finally did it and am really excited to see what comes of it. I have always loved taking and editing pictures ever since high school when I first git a camera! Check it out here

LA Trip

ally burnham photography

this summer I am so appreciative to have got to go to Disneyland with my brother and mom for the day. This was so much fun and I had been since high school. We had a great time! As well, while we were in LA we also go to go shopping, to the beach, and watch tennis.

My Gals

ally burnham (car) photography

Always a favorite part about coming home. I loved seeing friends and family. I was blessed with an amazing Grandma who came to visit me for two weeks. I got to vacation with my girlfriend Justine in Colorado. My bestie Maddie came down to see me in Cali. I saw some old tennis girls from highschool, and my main gals Stephani and Grace.

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