10. "TAlk tO Me (REMIX)" - Tory Lanez (ft. Lil Wayne, Rich The Kid & DJ Stevie J) | The Odyssey Online
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10 Rap Songs To Add To Your Playlist That Will Make You The Aux Cord Hero

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10 Rap Songs To Add To Your Playlist That Will Make You The Aux Cord Hero

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Imagine this: You're at your best friend's summer birthday blowout party. They hand you the aux cord. Suddenly, every song you've ever heard escapes your memory. With the help of this list, that scenario won't happen and you'll kick the party into gear, everyone will be calling you the "aux cord hero."

1. "Magic In The Hamptons" - Social House (ft. Lil Yachty)

This feel-good jam easily tops the list. This chill beat will hype up any get-together or car ride (with the windows down). It's hard not to blast it on full volume and sing along to Lil Boat's catchy rap verse.

2. "Pineapple" - Ty Dolla $ign (ft. Gucci Mane & Quavo)

This song gives us MAJOR beach vibes. Three of the biggest names in rap right now came together and blessed us with this sick beat. Nothing screams summer more than pineapples, this song has it all.

3. "Champagne and Pools" - Hoodie Allen (ft. Blackbear & KYLE)

Champagne and pools? Sounds like a summer dream to me. Need I say more?

4. "Mixed Personalities" - YNW Melly (ft. Kanye West)

This non-traditional summer lovin' song puts Danny and Sandy to shame. Kanye's catchy chorus mixed with Melly's verses makes this song perfect for any barbecue or pool day.

5. "GRoCERiES" - Chance The Rapper (ft. TisaKorean)

Chance the Rapper's newest release brings positivity and love like all of his other beats. Nothing screams summer like lemonade, and this jam reminds us to keep this summer simple while still having fun.

6. "Make Believe" - Juice WRLD

My personal favorite of his new album will be a staple by the end of the summer.

7. "No Advice" - Skizzy Mars

Skizzy Mars' newest release will be bumping through your speakers on repeat after the first time you hear it. Infectious beats and catchy lyrics are Skizzy's forte, causing this song to make our list. Everyone could take a little advice from this song about how to live their life this summer.

8. "Truth Hurts" - Lizzo

If you didn't think a girl power jam would make this list, you were wrong. Every girl can relate to this song in some way, and it'll have you bouncing in the club, in your seat, anywhere. This jam will pump you up this summer.

9. "Shoota" - Playboi Carti (ft. Lil Uzi Vert)

This song has been an insane pump up jam since it's release in 2018. It continues to bring the hype, so it should make a comeback on your playlist this summer.

10. "TAlk tO Me (REMIX)" - Tory Lanez (ft. Lil Wayne, Rich The Kid & DJ Stevie J)

Tory Lanez is one of my all time favorite artists of the year. This remix will be the perfect addition to your summer playlist.

I mean, what are you doing? Don't just sit there. Open up Apple Music or Spotify and add these jams to your summer playlist!

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