3. 'The Book of Flora' by Meg Elison | The Odyssey Online
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Books Lit

9 Books You Need To Read During Summer 2019

Pick up a copy of one (or all) of these exciting titles to read poolside this summer!

Person Reading On The Beach During The Summer

If you're like me, summer is when your to-read list finally gets somewhat of a dent made in it. Whether it's outside enjoying the sun, poolside, or on a sunny vacation, reading just fits the summer mood. This summer, if you're looking for something new and interesting to read, there's plenty out there and I've found all of the best ones for you. Here are all of the best new releases for summer 2019:

1. 'The Fourth Courier' by Timothy Jay Smith

"Suspenseful, thrilling, and smart, 'The Fourth Courier' brings together a straight white FBI agent and gay black CIA officer as they team up to uncover a gruesome plot involving murder, radioactive contraband, narcissistic government leaders, and unconscionable greed. It is 1992 in Warsaw, Poland, and the communist era has just ended. A series of grisly murders suddenly becomes an international case when it's feared that the victims may have been couriers smuggling nuclear material out of the defunct Soviet Union. The FBI sends an agent to help with the investigation. When he learns that a Russian physicist who designed a portable atomic bomb has disappeared, the race is on to find him—and the bomb—before it ends up in the wrong hands."

I have a copy of this book and might be reviewing it later!

2. 'The Prophet of the Termite God' by Clark Thomas Carlton

"Once an outcast, Pleckoo has risen to Prophet-Commander of the Hulkrish army. But a million warriors and their ghost ants were not enough to defeat his cousin, Anand the Roach Boy, the tamer of night wasps and founder of Bee-Jor. Now Pleckoo is hunted by the army that once revered him. Yet in all his despair, Pleckoo receives prophecies from his termite god, assuring him he will kill Anand to rule the Sand, and establish the One True Religion. And war is not yet over. Can the boy who worked in the dung heap rise above the turmoil, survive his assassins, and prevent the massacre of millions?"

3. 'The Book of Flora' by Meg Elison

"In the wake of the apocalypse, Flora has come of age in a highly gendered post-plague society where females have become a precious, coveted, hunted, and endangered commodity. But Flora does not participate in the economy that trades in bodies. An anathema in a world that prizes procreation above all else, she is an outsider everywhere she goes, including the thriving all-female city of Shy. Now navigating a blighted landscape, Flora, her friends, and a sullen young slave she adopts as her own child leave their oppressive pasts behind to find their place in the world. They seek refuge aboard a ship where gender is fluid, where the dynamic is uneasy, and where rumors flow of a bold new reproductive strategy. When the promise of a miraculous hope for humanity's future tears Flora's makeshift family asunder, she must choose: protect the safe haven she's built or risk everything to defy oppression, whatever its provenance."

I have a copy of this book and I am super excited to read it! I may even do a review!

4. 'The Favorite Daughter' by Kaira Rouda (Release Date: 5/21/19)

"The perfect home. The perfect family. The perfect lie. Jane Harris lives in a sparkling home in an oceanfront gated community in Orange County. It's a place that seems too beautiful to be touched by sadness. But exactly one year ago, Jane's oldest daughter, Mary, died in a tragic accident and Jane has been grief-stricken ever since. Lost in a haze of anti-depressants, she's barely even left the house. Now that's all about to change. It's time for Jane to reclaim her life and her family. Jane's husband, David, has planned a memorial service for Mary and three days later, their youngest daughter, Betsy, graduates high school. Yet as Jane reemerges into the world, it's clear her family has changed without her. Her husband has been working long days—and nights—at the office. Her daughter seems distant, even secretive. And her beloved Mary was always such a good girl—dutiful and loving. But does someone know more about Mary, and about her last day, than they've revealed? The bonds between mothers and daughters, and husbands and wives should never be broken. But you never know how far someone will go to keep a family together…"

I have a copy of this book and I literally can't wait to read it. Potential review to come!

5. 'The Good Cop' by Peter Steiner (Release Date: 9/1/19)

"The First World War has been lost and Germany is in turmoil. The new government in Berlin is weak. The police and courts are corrupt. Fascists and Communists are fighting in the streets. People want a savior, someone who can make Germany great again. To many, Adolf Hitler seems perfect for the job. When the offices of a Munich newspaper are bombed, Willi Geismeier investigates, but as it gets political, he is taken off the case. Willi continues to ask questions, but when his pursuit of the truth itself becomes a crime, his career – and his life – are in grave danger."

6. 'The Brink' by Darren Wearmouth (Release Date: 6/18/19)

"Former NYC Mayor Tom Cafferty has been haunted by the horror of a single day. The opening of the brand new Z-train subway line beneath the Hudson River—the supposed shining moment of his tenure. But the ribbon-cutting ceremony turned deadly when the train carrying Cafferty's wife and other citizens was attacked by a horde of hyper-intelligent, bloodthirsty creatures previously unknown to humanity. Everything changed for Cafferty, ex-NYPD officer Sarah Bowcut, and tech-expert Diego Munoz that day. They had uncovered the deadly truth: the attack was no accident. And now the creatures that wreaked havoc underneath New York have spread worldwide, and with a massive cover-up—and a secret organization holding nations hostage with the knowledge of how to kill them—Cafferty's team must fight against impossible odds to save the entire planet from an apocalyptic scale disaster."

I have a copy of this post-apocalyptic nightmare and I'm so excited to read it. It looks so exciting and I may write a review of it!

7. 'Aftershocks' by Marko Kloos (Release Date: 7/1/19)

"Across the six-planet expanse of the Gaia system, the Earthlike Gretia struggles to stabilize in the wake of an interplanetary war. Amid an uneasy alliance to maintain economies, resources, and populations, Aden Robertson reemerges. After devoting twelve years of his life to the reviled losing side, with the blood of half a million casualties on his hands, Aden is looking for a way to move on. He's not the only one. A naval officer has borne witness to inconceivable attacks on a salvaged fleet. A sergeant with the occupation forces is treading increasingly hostile ground. And a young woman, thrust into responsibility as vice president of her family's raw materials empire, faces a threat she never anticipated. Now, on the cusp of an explosive and wide-reaching insurrection, Aden plunges once again into the brutal life he longed to forget. He's been on the wrong side of war before. But this time, the new enemy has yet to reveal themselves…or their dangerous endgame."

8. 'Heart of Barkness' by Spencer Quinn

"Chet the dog, 'the most lovable narrator in all of crime fiction' (Boston Globe) and P.I. Bernie encounter heartache and much worse in the world of country music. They're both music lovers, so when Lotty Pilgrim, a country singer from long ago, turns up at a local bar, they drive out to catch her act. Bernie's surprised to see someone who was once so big performing in such a dive, and drops a C-note the Little Detective Agency can't afford to part with into the tip jar. The C-note is stolen right from under their noses – even from under Chet's, the nose that misses nothing – and before the night is over, it's stolen again. Soon they're working the most puzzling case of their career, a case that takes them back in time in search of old border-town secrets, and into present-day danger where powerful people want those secrets to stay hidden. Chet and Bernie find themselves sucked into a real-life murder ballad where there is no one to trust but each other."

I have a copy of this book and I can't wait to embark on this interesting journey.

9. 'Midnight at Blackbird Café' by Heather Webber (Release Date: 7/16/19)

"Nestled in the mountain shadows of Alabama lies the little town of Wicklow. It is here that Anna Kate has returned to bury her beloved Granny Zee, owner of the Blackbird Café. It was supposed to be a quick trip to close the café and settle her grandmother's estate, but despite her best intentions to avoid forming ties or even getting to know her father's side of the family, Anna Kate finds herself inexplicably drawn to the quirky Southern town her mother ran away from so many years ago, and the mysterious blackbird pie everybody can't stop talking about. As the truth about her past slowly becomes clear, Anna Kate will need to decide if this lone blackbird will finally be able to take her broken wings and fly."

I also have this one, and it looks so enticing. I can't wait to get into it!

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