"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind, and gives it a rest." — Unknown
Music can describe exactly what I am feeling, even when I can't put those thoughts into words myself.
Music has a way of channeling our feelings into something concrete. It says things we can't, or didn't know how, to say and gets us through life's toughest moments. Here are a few songs that can describe a feeling much better than I can articulate. Enjoy!
1. When you lose someone you love.
"Just a Dream" — Carrie Underwood
This song will bring anyone to tears, more so if you have experienced a great loss in your life. When someone in your life passes, you are left with that emptiness and curiosity of what could have been if they were still here. This song perfectly describes what that feeling is, so grab the tissues.
2. When you are feeling down and need encouragement.
"Rise Up" — Andra Day
We've all been there: down in the dumps about whatever it may be. When you're at the lowest of lows, it's difficult to think there's any coming back from this. This song will have you feeling the exact opposite and that is why I love it so much. It is so encouraging and gives you that confidence you needed to get through whatever it is you are going through.
3. When you don't know how to say "I love you."
"Still into you" — Paramore
The L word is a tough one. It's only four letters but it has the greatest meaning. There is a lot of pressure that comes with this word, but when you get that feeling inside of you, you just know. It may not be the easiest thing to express, but it is there. This song sums up all of those feelings so you don't have to question yourself any longer.
3. When you are in an unhealthy relationship.
"Advice" — Kehlani
Sometimes we get into situations or relationships that are not the healthiest. We care about the other person deeply but, ultimately, it isn't a good fit. We find ourselves tired, emotionally drained, and this song sheds light on all of that. Maybe, instead of giving others advice on their relationships, you are the one that really needs it. Take your own advice and do what's best for you.
4. When a guy does you wrong.
"Before He Cheats" — Carrie Underwood
Unfortunately, too many people can relate to this song. Way too many of us have been played and lied to by guys. But when you hear and see Carrie taking a stand, you brush it off and start feeling pretty great.
5. When you care but you are hurting.
"I hate u, I love u" — Gnash & Olivia O'Brien
Hate and love are two words that seem to mean the opposite. In reality, they are two of the closest emotions. They both make us act in a way of irrationality. They both cloud our judgement, make our hearts race, and emotions rise. This song explains the feeling you had for someone you used to care about, someone that used to be apart of your life. They hurt you, but you are confused with the feelings you have for them because you hate what they did.
6. When you are growing as a person, reflecting on what you used to be.
"She Used To Be Mine" — Sara Bareilles
Everyday we are learning from our mistakes and growing as people. We go through experiences that shape us into who looks at ourselves in the mirror today. Yes sometimes things don't go your way, sometimes you do things you shouldn't, but the best thing that can come from that is learning from it. Growing up is apart of everyday and without messing up a few times here and there we wouldn't all know what we know now. So accept yourselves, the mistakes made, and accept who you used to be, because who you used to be is a huge part of why you are who you are now.
7. When find your inner strength.
"That's My Girl" — Fifth Harmony
When a girl has been beaten down, let down, and feeling alone this song will totally take you out of that dark space. This tells you what you need to hear and will give you that boost you've been needing. It's a reminder that you are so much more that what you give yourself credit for, to go out there, and kick butt.