2. Does every single person *on this planet* watch except for me? | The Odyssey Online
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8 Thoughts Everyone Who Does NOT Watch Game Of Thrones Can Relate To

For those of us who aren't really into mythical creatures and people killing each other on camera.

8 Thoughts Everyone Who Does NOT Watch Game Of Thrones Can Relate To

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Nowadays, it feels like everyone everywhere is a huge Game of Thrones fan. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with the show or its +21039384930 person fandom, either. If anything, I'll admit a show with that large and strong of a following must be amazing. But, as an outsider, here are some thoughts that go through my mind every time the topic of GOT comes up.

1. Should I start watching???


Everyone tries to convince you to watch. Your mom watches, your dad, your friend, your friend's friend, your boyfriend, even your DOG. Should you just start to? I mean if that many people love it so much it has to be good, right?

2. Does every single person *on this planet* watch except for me?


Why does Game of Thrones come up in every single conversation I take part in? Does seriously everyone watch the show except for me?

3. It can't be that scary/gruesome...


Ok, we get it. There are humans eating humans and weird creatures and old people with beards...I just don't get how a show about mythical creatures can be scary.

4. How can a show with dragons in it be that good?


Maybe it's just me but the last good show I watched that had dragons in it was Dragon Tales. I thought dragons were for fairytales and children's shows. Can a show for adults with dragons in it really be that great?

5. Should I just pretend like I do watch it when everyone else in the group is talking about it...?


In all honesty, the FOMO is getting kind of old. I feel left out of every conversation that has to do with Game of Thrones (which at this point is pretty much just every conversation in general). So, should I just pretend like I do watch and save myself from embarrassment?

6. New episode tonight = ~no plans~ because everyone is watching


When every human being on planet Earth watches, life is pretty boring during the new episode premieres. Everyone's plans consist of watching the show, so Sunday evenings = no plans time. Not complaining, though.

7. Why the FRICK are people are dressing up as characters from the show?


I'm sorry but WTF. Feels like we're in middle school again and the new Star Warsjust came out.

8. When the heck did this show even become so popular?


Not that I don't remember hearing little things about Game of Thrones here and there a few years back, but now it seems like here and there has become literally frickin' everywhere. Somehow everyone got the memo to start watching - except me. I would start now, but I think it's already gone too far for me to catch up.

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