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21 Punny Halloween Costumes For Witty Humans On A Budget

Be one-of-a-kind this Halloween!

21 Punny Halloween Costumes For Witty Humans On A Budget

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Halloween is my favorite holiday. I don't typically need a reason to dress up, but Halloween is the greatest excuse for me! Every year for as long as I can remember I have gone to extremes to craft the perfect Halloween costume. I typically started planning my Halloween costume November 1st the year before! It could take the greater portion of the year before I narrowed down my ideas to the best one. The candy is great too, but I live for the costumes.

Picking out the costume can be very, very hard. It's even harder when you put it off until the last minute or don't have the budget to do something grand. I have compiled a list of some of the wittiest, simplest, and most unique Halloween costumes to pull off for your convenience. Here's to hoping you make your perfect Halloween painless and easy!

1. Fantasy Football

2. Freudian Slip

3. Formal Apology

4. Spice Girls

5. Blessing in Disguise

6. Dust Bunny

7. Nickelback

8. Radiohead

9. Amazon Prime

10. Ash Wednesday

11. Party Fowl

12. Shooting Star

13. Witch Doctor

14. Black Eyed Peas

15. Zom-Bee

16. Hawaiian Punch

17. Chick Magnet

18. Green with Envy

19. Ceiling Fan

21. Identity Theft

21. Pot Brownie/Head

All of these punny costumes are sure to catch the attention of all partygoers and earn you some free drinks.

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