24. "The Christmas Project" (2016) | The Odyssey Online
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Grab Some Hot Chocolate And Watch These 26 Netflix Holiday Movies To Get Into The Christmas Spirit

Is it ever a bad idea to watch a Christmas movie?

Grab Some Hot Chocolate And Watch These 26 Netflix Holiday Movies To Get Into The Christmas Spirit

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Christmas movies are by far the very best genre out there. I could seriously watch 5 of them a day and be very happy with myself. From classic to Netflix original, here are some that you can stream on Netflix right now.

1. "Christmas Inheritance" (2017)


It's the classic story of a spoiled city girl who gets sent to a small town to learn the true meaning of Christmas. Oh, and there's also a love triangle!

2. "A Christmas Prince" (2017)


A journalist goes to cover a story on a foreign prince but you guessed it: they fall in love

3. "Christmas with a View" (2018)


Clara is mad when her ski resort hires a celebrity chef to be their new head chef. But soon they fall in love.

4. "Christmas in the Smokies" (2015)


A small town woman fights to save her family's farm and is so full of holiday feels.

5. "48 Christmas Wishes" (2017)


All of the children's letters to Santa in a small town get ruined, so Santa's elves go to the town to make sure every wish is granted in time for Christmas.

6. "The Spirit of Christmas" (2015)


A lawyer is tasked with selling a haunted inn much to the ghost that has haunted it for the last century's dismay. Along the way they, too, fall in love. There seems to be a theme here.

7. "The Holiday Calendar" (2018)


A woman receives an Advent calendar from her Grandpa that her Grandma always believed had magical powers. She then must choose between her new love interest and her best friend that she may have loved all along.

8. "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (2000)


This is one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time and I can guarantee that you've all seen this classic a hundred times. Now it's on Netflix!

"9. Merry Kissmas" (2015)


A woman is engaged to a self- centered man that she doesn't even love. She kisses another man and they both fall for each other.

10. "A Holiday Engagement" (2011)


When a woman gets dumped just before the holidays she hires an actor to pose as her fiance for her trip home. But guess what? They end up falling for each other!

11. "You Can't Fight Christmas" (2017)


A Christmas- loving interior designer lives to decorate the lobby of a famous hotel each year. But when the grandson of the owner comes in and thinks that Christmas is overrated, trouble ensues.

12. "A Dogwalker's Christmas Tale" (2015)


After a privileged college student maxes her credit card, she's forced to get a job over the holiday break walking her neighbor's dog. Her neighbors are about to build a new spa over the local dog park and she is thrilled. Her new friend and fellow dog walker is very against this new salon and she must decide what side she will take.

13. "Christmas Crush" (2013)


A woman thinks that her 10- year high school reunion will be the perfect time to win back her high school boyfriend.

14. "Holiday Breakup" (2016)


A couple that broke up before the holidays pretend that they're still together so that they don't have to face questions from family and friends.

15. "Love Actually" (2003)


An intertwining ensemble film of 10 love stories in London during the holidays.

16. "Dear Santa" (2011)


A privileged woman finds a letter to Santa Claus written by the owner of a soup kitchen's 7- year old daughter.

17. "White Christmas" (1954)


A 1950s classic movie about a singing group trying to save an inn in Vermont that is going under.

18. "Miss Me This Christmas" (2017)


A couple that got married on Christmas day 6 years prior decide to get divorced, but quickly wonder if that was the right call after all.

19. "Believe" (2016)


A business owner has to decide between financial success and funding the town's annual Christmas pageant. He meets a boy who believes in miracles and he helps him figure out what to do.

20. "Christmas Ranch" (2016)


A girl spends Christmas with her grandmother at her horse ranch and decides to help her save the ranch.

21. "A Christmas Star" (2015)


Noelle can solve miracles and this gift is put to the test when she must save her town.

22. "Holiday Baggage" (2008)


A woman will not finalize her divorce from her husband until her reconciles with their daughters over the holidays.

23. "Angels in the Snow" (2015)


Two families are stranded together during a snowstorm on vacation and learns what family is all about.

24. "The Christmas Project" (2016)


Parents teach their children Christmas spirit and kindness, even to bullies.

25. "How Sarah Got Her Wings" (2015)


A woman dies just before Christmas and before she gets into Heaven she must help someone on earth in need.

26. BONUS: "The Princess Switch" (2018)- Premiering on Netflix 11/16


Starring the absolute queen who is Vanessa Hudgens as both a duchess and a commoner who is her doppelganger. A princess wants some time off before Christmas and switches lives with an identical stranger and while they're switched, they fall in love with the wrong people.

Low-budget Christmas films are one of the best parts of the Christmas season.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.

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