10. "Bad things don't happen to writers, it's all material." - Garrison Keillor | The Odyssey Online
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10 Motivational Quotes For The Struggling Writer Who Thinks They've Heard It All

9. "Writing is the act of faith not the trick of grammar." - E.B White


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If you are a writer then you know that you are usually your worst critic. More often than not we just sit there and over analyze our work to the point where we just end up pushing the delete button and starting over. First, try not to be so hard on yourself, but if you are struggling remember it will be okay and to stay positive. Here are some quotes that may help you get through your writing process:

1. “The first sentence can’t be written until the final sentence is written.”—Joyce Carol Oates

Don't just resort to the delete button, you can always fix it later! I feel like this is the hardest thing for writers to conquer. When we are writing and get frustrated, it is so easy to just start deleting instead of working with what you've got and making it better.

2. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ― Maya Angelou

Your life, your story is such a great inspiration to go off of. WE ALL have happiness, inner demons, and so much more inside of us. Not only can that create a great story it can also be very therapeutic to get out thoughts out.

3. “A word after a word after a word is power.” ― Margaret Atwood

Just keep writing, the more you put down the stronger you are becoming. Looking at a blank page can be very daunting and make you feel like it won't come to an end. If you just keep writing and getting words on a page, the more you put down the more successful you will feel.

4. “I'm writing a first draft and reminding myself that I'm simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles.” ― Shannon Hale

Always keep building up to creating your own masterpiece. The draft you are working on doesn't have to be your final work it's just the beginning. The more you keep shoveling those words onto the page and getting through it the more beautiful it will all look in the end.

  5. "Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on." - Louis L'Amour 

Just push yourself to put ideas to paper and keep going. I always have such a hard time with this. I get in that mood where I can make every excuse in the world why not to write. But the moment I start and just keep going, I automatically feel so much better and productive.

6. "A professional writer is an amateur that didn't quit." - Richard Bach

You are not different from any other aspiring writer, just keep working on your talent. Nothing is an overnight process and writing is far from easy, the biggest hurdle to get over is not to compare yourself to other people. Yes, use them for inspiration and to admire what they have done but they are not you and you can be great all on your own.

7. "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." - Ray Bradbury

Writing can be the best outlet to work out your inner demons. With a blank page and some ink, you can make ANYTHING you want! Literally anything. You can rewrite history, give your own life an alternate ending and whatever else you chose to do. It is all about your own personal expression.

8. "Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way." - E.L Doctorow

It's all about the journey and any writer knows its a long one. It's all about just starting and staying focused on what your end goal is. Like a car, it's getting to your destination safely and for writing is about getting the world to see your work one day. Stay patient and strong-willed to get there.

9. " Writing is the act of faith not the trick of grammar." - E.B White

Just go with your gut and take a change on your own work. DO NOT fixate on grammar, punctuation and all the other writing rules. This is your work and no one can tell you how to write it. This isn't an academic paper it is your take on what writing should be.

10. "Bad things don't happen to writers, it's all material." - Garrison Keillor

Someone else has probably experienced similar frustrations, pain, ect. write for them. Write for all the people who could hear your story and become your built-in audience because they feel grateful that someone finally made something that touches them. Everyone needs something relatable to read.

Now, get to writing!

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