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11 Meme Accounts To Follow Right After You Unfollow Fuckjerry

Yes, the memes are funny, but they're stolen.

11 Meme Accounts To Follow Right After You Unfollow Fuckjerry

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If you haven't watch Fyre Fraud or Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened please, take some time to watch that and come to read this. Watched 'em? Great! Then you already know how slimy and manipulative the guys at Jerry Media are.

Instagram is helping Jerry Media, not hindering it. Don't believe me? Check out this New York Magazine article. Not only does Jerry Media steal other people's content with no credit, but they also charge advertisers upwards of $75,000 for a SINGLE post.

Now that you have unfollowed @fuckjerry, you'll need some meme accounts to follow. These 11 accounts are sure to be relatable and will make you want to tag your BFFs.


This account is private but your follow request will be accepted almost immediately. They post at least 5 times a day so your feed will never run out of memes to tag your besties in - just make sure they are following too!


That's sorry with 3 o's and 2 r's. This is another private account but definitely worth a follow. @sorrynotsooorry is the first meme account I ever followed and my favorite of all time. The person who runs this account is from my hometown and we spent ALL of high school trying to figure out who is running it. Just a heads up, this account is raunchy but posts the FUNNIEST pictures and shares stories of wasted nights out, crazy hookup stories, and occasionally updates on her/his cats (RIP Abel). I cannot believe how invested I have become in this account. Follow NOW!


Girl power + memes? All in one account? YAS! Follow this account for inspiration, encouragement, and a laugh.


Another private account (what's up with meme accounts doing that? Are they protecting themselves from @fuckjerry?) BUT if you need to feel like you're not alone when it comes to your drinking habits, @lovesexandla is the account for you. This account is mostly video content but you will end up tagging your drinking buddy almost every time. The only thing that bothers me about this account is that they do shoutout posts and stories.


This account posts scary stories and facts. Half the time I don't know if they are true but they are so interesting. They post one a day so you won't get to freaked out throughout your day.


This sassy account is from North West's perspective and she dishes on her aunties and cousins. Whether you love or hate the Kardashians, you should be following this account.


I love anything to do with astrology and this account half-mocks, half-relates to your star sign. Doesn't matter if you like zodiac signs or not, this account will have you tagging your friends saying "omg this is so you".


This account is memes that feature animals. It's everything you want it to be and more. The only shoutouts that are done are for PETS. A true dream meme account come true.


Want wholesome content? Look no further.


Mostly video content but guaranteed to make you lol. No literally, you will lol.


Only SpongeBob memes but those are the only memes you need.

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