'Miss Americana' Highlights Taylor Swift's Political Views
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Let's Learn From Taylor Swift, The Political Voice And Conscience Of Our Generation

"Miss Americana" is more than just a pop star's documentary, it's a catalyst to this generations voice.

Let's Learn From Taylor Swift, The Political Voice And Conscience Of Our Generation

I've written and said thousands of times how Taylor Swift is literally the greatest person I have ever met and has proven her intelligence, heart, and strength repeatedly over the last 15 years. She even has sent me flowers and a note, invited me to her home and has been an incredible role model.

And yet, I have NEVER been more shocked, moved, or proud of her than I was watching the Netflix documentary "Miss Americana" for the first time last week.

Taylor did more than give us a glimpse into her life, struggles, and growth, she was a 20-something-year-old trying to be on the right side of history in a time where we feel that our voices are not being heard. It was startling and difficult to see someone with all the money and influence in the world reflect my same sorrows and internal battles when it comes to dealing with our current president and administration. Being a young woman with ideas and intelligence is STILL looked at as a curse rather than a blessing in politics, and I was captivated with Taylor trying to navigate those waters.

Through the documentary, you see a young girl wanting to please everyone and make music turn into a strong-willed, powerful, and successful woman who knows she belongs on the right side of history. While some things about Taylor Swift are far-fetched and unattainable, fighting with family, dealing with insecurity, and finding her voice is something we all endure. She decided to be brave and stand up for what was right, and new her actions are inspiring millions.

While her chosen candidate didn't end up winning the Senate seat in Tennessee, Taylor spurred thousands of young people to register to vote all throughout the country. This documentary coming out now could not be more perfectly timed, as the 2020 elections (presidential included) are upon us, and it is OUR time to be on the right side of history. Elections happen for each level of government, from the president all the way down to city council. Let's be informed and encourage the positive change we know this country is capable of.

1. Learn which representatives, senators, and other candidates support LGBTQ+ rights.

If elected officials and candidates seem to go against these human rights in lieu of protecting party interests and financial support, TELL THE WORLD. Contact their offices. Share with friends and family how to support those trying to take them out of office. Be the change you wish to see.

2. Learn representatives', senators', and other candidates' stance on women's reproductive health rights and benefits.

In recent years, many states have introduced restrictive laws concerning abortion and women's reproductive rights, and that trend will continue with conservatives leading our government. Women's rights are human rights, and reproduction is at the cornerstone of it. Support candidates and organizations that fund the fight against those trying to limit reproductive rights. Be the change you wish to see.

3. Find out how YOU can use your voice.

Besides campaigning door to door, there are multiple ways to get involved in local, state, and national elections and support candidates who share the same values to be on the right side of history. Follow and share their messages on social media, sign petitions, volunteer to make phone calls or send emails, donate any amount you can if you're comfortable doing so. Be the change you wish to see.

While all these ways to show our voices and make a positive difference have always been available, Taylor Swift's documentary undoubtedly lit a fire that will help us keep fighting the fight. Taylor is brave, vulnerable, and powerful in conveying messages that inspire and bring us together. Let this election year be the start of the progress, equality, and opportunity that this country and the whole world desperately need right now.

It's up to us.

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